Chapter 2 - "I missed you"

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Chuuya was still fast asleep and it's almost been 24 hours since I rescued him from the mystery novel. His ability had on different occasions activated while he slept which now made me sleep next to him, keeping his ability nullified. I did call in sick for the day but I doubt that I'll be making it 'till tomorrow. 

"Hello Kunikida, I might not come tomorrow either," I told him on the phone.

"What do you mean Dazai!?" 

"I'm having trouble." 

"If you're trying to kill yourself then I'm deducting that from your salary," he said angrily. 

I laughed at that. 

"Dazai seriously." 

"I'm being serious." I paused for a second. "Kunikida-san?"


"Can I ask you for a small favor?" 

"What is it this time?" 

"I want you to get me some stuff, I'll attach some pictures and sizes for some clothes. Could you please deliver them later today?"

"Go and get them yourself." 

"I can't leave. Just this one favor." 

"Fine," he sighed and then hung up. I sent him the email as I kept nullifying Chuuya. 

"How long are you going to keep me waiting Chuuya?" I held him tighter. It'll be my fault if he won't wake up. I should've gotten him out sooner. How stupid of me. Of course, this chibi will be using corruption. "Chuuya, I'm sorry." I snuggled him from behind, keeping him as my little spoon, as I did years ago. I put my face in his hair, smelling his scent as I slowly fell asleep with him in my arms. 

"Dazai! For fucks sake" bang bang bang. I slowly opened my eyes. What? bang bang bang. "Open the door!" Shot. Kunikida-san. I quickly got up and opened the door. 

"Were you seriously asleep at this hour of the day?" He entered my apartment, taking off his shoes. 

"Hehe" I looked at him innocently as I helped him with the bags, which I put on the floor next to my wardrobe. He shortly after followed me with the rest of the bags. 

"Are you skipping out because of a one night stand?" He glanced over at my bed, where Chuuya's red hair was sticking out under the covers. 

"What? No." 

"There's a girl in your bed." 

"A girl?" I couldn't stop but laugh. 

"a BOY?" 

"Yes, but it's not what it looks like" I giggled. 

"Hmm... why are you being so loud..?" Chuuya started moving in the bed, sitting up. 

"Chuuya?" I sounded happier than I had wished. 

"Chuuya?!" Kunikida looked at him then at me. 

"I'll explain later." I shoved Kunikada towards the hallway. "I promise." My expression must have shown how serious I was because he nodded and then left without any further questions and accusations. I made my way back to the bedroom where Chuuya was now leaving the bed and walked towards me. 

"Why am I in your bed, you damned suicide-freak?" He almost got to me as his legs gave out beneath him.

"Hey, careful." I grabbed him. Letting him lean on me. He was now grabbing me, looking terrified. 

"Dazai." He rarely shows anyone his weak side, any less sound this vulnerable, but right now he did, and I hated not being able to help him. "Dazai, talk to me." He sounded panicky. 

"I'm right here." He only looked at me, gripping me tighter. "Are you in pain?" 

"No." Typically Chuuya. 

"I can't help you if you don't talk to me." 

"Dazai my whole fucking body is hurting me!" The pain in his voice gripped my heart and squeezed it. "Just make it stop!" His grip only tightened. He's only in pain after using corruptions true form but he never gets this emotional about -wait. 

"Chuuya, how long did you use your ability in the book?" 

"What does that have to do with-" 

"Just answer." I looked him in the eyes. 

"... I don't know, I'm not myself when using it. You know that." 

"Okay, I'll try something." I activated no longer human. I was right. His body relaxed as the pain left his body, his grip getting less tight. 

"Can you stand?" 

He nodded as I slowly let him stand on his own. I've never seen him like this and it pained me more than I would've thought. I've always fantasized about a weak Chuuya whom I could control but now that he was weak, it only hurt me. I should've appreciated his hot-headed nature. 

"Stop looking so damn gloomy. Get me a bottle of wine." 

I looked at him and smiled. "I missed you." 

He looked at me and blinked a few times. "HUH" 

"Nothing, get changed." I put his hat on his head as I went to grab my coat, getting ready for the night ahead of us. 


Thank you for getting to the second chapter of this fanfic! I hope you enjoyed the chapter even though nothing all too special happened. The chapter is a bit late due to me being really busy this weekend because of Halloween and exams-week upcoming. 

Next week's chapter won't be as late so stay tuned for that!!

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