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If someone asked Gun to explain how he got into the situation he was in, he would've have no fucking idea where to start from.

Currently, Gun, Off and this pretty woman were sitting in a cafe near Off's office. It wasn't the cafe where Off and Gun had met because Off didn't want to take the woman to that cafe because it was "their place" and dragged them to a different cafe.

Gun didn't know what was going on. He had just been in Off's office lobby, waiting for Off to come and when he looked up from his phone, he saw the woman just straight up force Off into a hug and then, Off just glaring at her and saying something along the lines of 'why are you here'. 

Gun had just been standing a few feet away from them just watching the scene unfold in front of his eyes. He felt like he was watching a scene from a Kdrama where the annoying ex comes and ruins the whole ship.

When Off had spotted Gun, he had immediately walked away from the woman to Gun and had smiled at Gun as if she had never hugged him and not even acknowledging her existence anymore. 

Off had just dragged Gun out of his office building and the woman had just followed them rambling something about 'respect' and 'just came to see you but look at your ungrateful ass'. 

And now, here they were, sitting at a cafe while Off glared at the woman with intense eyes as the woman glared back at Off with a equally threatening look, while poor Gun just sat there looking back and forth between the two.

The waiter came to take their orders but sensing the tension around the table, just stood there awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. 

Gun felt sorry for the poor fella so, he quietly ordered 3 Mochas. The waiter just nodded, silently sending his gratitude to Gun through his eyes.

After a few more minutes of this glaring contest, the woman looked like she got bored and looked away. She turned to Gun, finally acknowledging his presence.

The woman smiled sweetly. "Hey, I'm Mild."

Gun just awkwardly replied, " Hi, I-I'm Gun."

Mild's smile just got wider as she looked at Gun as if analyzing him. "So how do you know Off?"

" Uh.. he's-"

" That's none of your business, Mild." Off cut in with a very raspy voice, balling his fists and glaring at Mild.

"Oh, so this is how it is,huh." Mild replied, her eyes lit up with amusement as she looked like she was fascinated with Off's reaction.

Mild huffed. "Fine, if you're not gonna introduce him to me then, at least I should introduce myself." She looked back at Gun with a ever so fake smile. "I'm Off's future wife. Nice to meet you, Gun."

"How many times do I need to spell it out for you? YOU. ARE. NO. ONE. TO. ME." Off almost shouted, drawing attention from everyone in the cafe.

Gun sunk down in his seat, trying to hide from the embarrassment.

"Oh, Off baby. No matter what you do, it's gonna happen. You will have to spend your whole life with me. The sooner you accept it, the better." Mild said with a smirk. Confidence was dripping from her voice. Her eyes looked like she knew it was gonna happen and nothing in this world could stop it.

"Mild, you need to stop your delulu little fantasy which you've been creating in your tiny brain. You seriously need a doctor at this point." Off replied with equally matched confidence.

" You're calling me delusional?" Mild laughed hysterically. " Off, it's you who is delusional, if you think you're gonna marry anyone which is not me!" She turned to Gun and looked at him with disgust. " And certainly not this new boy toy of yours."

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