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Gun waited for a few seconds until Krist put up a thumbs up sign, signalling that the live had ended. Gun sighed loudly while Nam was still in his lap, giggling and hugging him.

" I'll take her" Krist said as he picked Nam up and took her to her room.

Singto was packing up all the equipment and cameras. Gun got up from his place and went over to help Singto.

Gun whispered to Singto, " So when are you planning to ask him out?"

Singto coughed loudly to hide his blush. " I- uh haven't decided yet."

Gun smirked while watching Singto hurriedly pack up and blushing furiously. He wondered how Singto was always so confident in whatever he did but whenever it came to his crush, Krist, he became flustered.

Not wanting to tease Singto anymore, Gun silently stood up and went to the kitchen counter.

" Krist, Singto, do you want something to drink ?" Gun called out, opening the fridge to pull out a few soft drinks.

" A coke for me." Singto replied, zipping all the equipment bags.

" Me too." Krist chimed in, walking into the kitchen to fix up some snacks for everyone.

" Get some chips too." Gun ordered Krist, as he walked out of the kitchen with all the drinks in his hands, trying not to drop any.

Singto fell on the couch and switched on the TV. 

Gun hit Singto gently. " Hey, Nam is sleeping !" He scolded as he passed the soft drink to Singto.

" Oh sorry, sorry!" Singto apologized and switched the TV off.

Krist was back with the snacks and they all sat around in the living room. They always did this after shooting a video, just them chilling and talking to each other.

" You were great today, Gun." Krist complimented, to cut through the silence.

" Yeah!" Singto got excited and started talking happily, " At one point, there were 800K viewers!! I was almost shaking with excitement." 

Gun just smiled and nodded.

Gun was happy. He was ready  to show the world that he was gonna succeed and nothing could stop him.

When Krist and Singto left Gun's house, it was already late at night. Gun checked Nam's room before he went to his own bedroom.

Gun laid down on his comfortable bed and pulled on his comforters over his head. He pulled out his phone and went through his messages.

There were a lot of messages from his friends and relatives. Gun was so happy that everyone was so supportive. Gun silently sent his gratitude to everyone who were supporting him.

Gun replied to every text because he believed that leaving someone on read was the cruelest thing.

Gun smiled when he saw a message from a certain someone. His eyes lit up and his smile grew as he read the text again and again.

OFF 😸💚


Hey Gun, it's me, Off
Watched your live,, you were amazing !!

✔ Read


Thanks for watching, Off~!
BTW if you do call me, do it on video call,,, because I prefer seeing the face of the person I'm talking to....

✔ Read


Can I call you right now ??

✔ Read

Gun's heart started beating faster as soon as he read that text. He sat up and went over to the mirror. He tried to brush his bangs and applied a bit of lip balm to make his lips look glossier.



✔ Read

Gun anticipated the call and as soon as his phone rang, he picked up the call.

Gun anticipated the call and as soon as his phone rang, he picked up the call

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Gun: Hey!
Off( chuckling a bit): Hi.
Gun: So how was your day ??
Off: Oh, the usual but something pretty interesting happened.
Gun: What!?
Off: I met a famous YouTuber who was really adorable.

Gun (blushing): Oh... 

Off (smirking): So how was the live?
Gun: It was great !! It went as we had planned it except for where Nam jumped in before I could complete. (giggles, remembering what happened)
Off: Yeah, I saw. Now that you mention it, where's Nam?
Gun( laughing) : Of course she's sleeping ! It's midnight !
Off: Oh. I didn't notice. I usually come back from work around this time.
Gun: Ehh, that's so late. You should complain to your supervisors. 
Off (laughing): I wish I could. But I stay that late because I want to.
Gun ( tutting): That's bad. You need sleep. Wait- I'm the one who's keeping you awake! 
Off: No, it's fine-
Gun: No, it's not fine. You need sleep. Now go sleep. Good Night!
Off: Okay then, Good Night, Gun! 
Gun: I'll talk to you tomorrow. Byeee~!


Off had a big, fat smile on his face. Gun was so caring even tough they had just met today. Off smiled remembering their call.

Off had never been so happy because of a video call. Gun had a strange effect on Off. He could make Off smile like an idiot even without doing anything.

Off knew that he was falling. But he couldn't do anything about it.

Before falling asleep, Off sent one last text.



Good Night, Gun

Sent at 12:26

So that was the ninth chapter!!  Do you guys like this texting format? I hope you all don't mind.  But if you guys do have a problem at understanding, then I can change it for better understanding. But are you guys ready for some extra, extra sweet and cute moments? Because next episode is gonna be a whole ride! 

And as always, don't forget to vote for this chapter and comment all your thoughts!! Can you all guess where I got the OffGun video call picture ?! Comment to tell me if you remember~!(。'▽'。)

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