Stuck in Camp Rivers - Chapter 17

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Ergghhh sorry guys. I rewrote this chapter like 3 times because I just couldn't decide what i wanted to do :s

Plus my internet connection was being soo retarded. I swear, I really despise wi-fi.

But hopefully you guys don't hate me, and hopefully you guys like this chapter to some extent :)

Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.




Chapter 17.


I never really stopped to consider whether Katrina was actually legitimately psycho or not. But, whether she was dropped on the head as a child or just became messed up on drugs, I don't think anybody of the right human species would do what she did.

I don't know what her problem is. She doesn't know me, yet she seems to despise me enough to turn basically the entire camp against me. She must really hate me, enough to get three guys to take advantage of me. Who the fuck does that? I really don't know. I guess someone like Katrina would do that.

And I think she's in the wrong kind of camp to be honest.

I stayed as calm as possible while I walked through the camp. I kept my tight fists at my sides, and my lips remained in a thin line as I searched around the grounds looking for Katrina Bryson. Because I know for a fact, that once I find that stupid bitch, I'm going to completely lose my mind, and there's going to be no control, and nothing to stop me.

Bystanders watched me as I casually stormed past them, and I could feel the weight of curious eyes on my back as I continued walking. I could feel my heart hammering against my chest, my pulse quickening as I became more and more ambitious. Katrina and I have fought before, clearly. The both of us have gotten it pretty good from each other. But this time, I'm not stopping. I'm not letting her win, I'm not going to smirk and take it as a joke.

The bitch is going to die.

I spotted a mop of platinum blonde hair in the distance, and I yanked up my sleeves as I quickened my pace over to Britney, who I recognized immediately considering she's such a fake ass crack barbie. She was talking to two girls - one I recognized as the tomboy from Kat's group....Kyah, I think her name was. The other girl was some random thing with greasy black hair.

The Kyah chick was the first to see me, and I watched as she slowly nudged Britney, who looked annoyed as she looked up to see what was going on. When her eyes met mine, she tensed, and slowly took a step back. If looks could kill, I was certain that all three girls would be dropped dead.

Three long strides, and without a word I had Britney shoved up against the concrete wall, holding her off the ground as I gripped onto the front of her hoodie. She squirmed under my grip, trying to get out of my hold, but I held her roughly and gritted my teeth at her.

"Where's Katrina?" I growled in her face, watching her flinch and look away, her face paling.

"I don't know!" She shrieked, turning to look me in the eyes.

I pulled back, and slammed her roughly into the wall, causing her head to smack against the hard concrete. She winced, and her jaw clenched. But I wasn't finished.

"You better tell me where the fuck Katrina is, because I will not hesitate to smash your fucking head into a million pieces!" I hissed, yanking onto her shirt tighter, cutting the circulation off her neck. Katrina started choking, her face getting red as she struggled for air.

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