Drama and Regret

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During that week I had nightmares of Hydra when I was younger and I saw Bucky in one of those nightmare and I was standing there scared, I was only around 11, he squatted down to meet my eyes with his and he said something but it was muffled.

He kissed my head and took me back to a cell where I was beaten again and Bucky watched with tears in his eyes.

~the week after~


Again I woke up from a nightmare. Some were too much and it made my telekinesis ability break everything in the cell. All the dishes that was broken before had smashed against the glass again.

~an hour later~

I was lying on the bench and I heard the door unlocked I looked to my side where I saw Fury and loki.

I was released by Fury and Loki was behind him. I smiled and ran out and hugged Loki. He hugged back both of us smiling into eachother's necks.

I started to cry happy tears and we split the hug and Loki wiped away my tears and he cupped my face.

I wrapped my arms weakly around his neck. We kissed slowly and Fury sighed and left us.

We split the kiss "I missed you, Y/N" Loki said as he hugged me again.

"I missed you more"

We hugged for about 2 minutes then we left to go back to Starks tower and went into the dining room. Everyone was there except for Bucky.

Loki had his arm round my shoulder. Everyone had looked up and ran to me and group hugged me. I felt happy again from the hug group.

I sat down next to Loki at the table and I put my head on his shoulder.

~ten minutes later~

I became sleepy and I had slept on Loki's shoulder. He just realised and he Bagan to smile with followed with a small chuckle.

"Awwww" nat and Peter whispered and pointed to me who had just dozed off.

Loki had bridal style carried me to my bedroom. He covered me with the duvet and he climbed in too.

~the next morning~


You were lying in your bed with Loki hugging your waste and his head on your back. You smile as you hear his quiet muffled snoring. You could feel his slick, raven hair on your back.

You had just slowly escaped from his grip and you went to the bathroom and had a shower and brushed your teeth.

You exited the shower and dried your hair and yourself. You wrapped the towel around you and you walked into the bedroom and you got a burgundy shirt and black leggings.

You locked the door. You walked over to the bed and dropped the towel. You turned your back to the bed and you put your pants on and your bra and a muffled growl came from the bed.



I turned around to see Loki staring at me with his signature smirk on his face. He sat up and crawled on the bed towards me.

I began to take my pants down a bit playing Loki up, I pulled them back up and I turned to get my shirt and Loki's hands had made his way to my waist and I let out a sly whimper.

A slight "eheheh" came from Loki. I smacked Loki's hands and I laughed and grabbed my shirt and put it on. He growled and he pounced behind me and put his arms round my stomach.

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