6. An Investigation Begins...

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The sun had not yet risen over Oasis city, but everyone in the citadel was already awake. Adreus Certaine had found a small alcove in the upper levels where he was trying to pull some facts together.

He sipped his coffee and looked out through the small diamonds of the lead framed window. He had a feeling that everything was connected although he couldn't see how. Down below them there were a few signs of life as the city began to stir - but news would travel fast. It would be an interesting day...

On the other side of the small round table Esther was seated with her legs crossed and a small red notebook in her hands. She was still wearing her dress from the previous night. It seemed a little insubstantial in the dawn light and he wondered, in an absent-minded moment, if she might be a little cold.

'Sorry,' he said as he turned to face her. 'I'm afraid I didn't catch that. You said you saw Crittis on the dance floor?'

'A few times,' she nodded. 'He danced with Empress Bartim once or twice - but she danced with everyone. I did see him with one of the concubines... but only for a minute.'

She looked down at her pad.

'I've tried to jot down as much as I remember... but I wasn't watching everyone I'm afraid. I was mingling so I picked up a lot of random gossip but that's about all.'

He nodded as he took another sip of coffee.

'That's okay,' he said with a reassuring smile. 'You did exactly what I had asked you to do. If you'd been tracking Crittis he wouldn't have stood a chance.'

'Yes, sir.'

Her expression of professional pride was quite obvious.

'So what next?' she asked.

Certaine thought for a moment.

'Well... the others will want to get back as soon as possible,' he said after a while. 'The loss of Crittis will cause huge system-wide problems. We'll need to evaluate how much damage has been done, what the consequences might be, and how we can get things running again.'

He looked out of the window once more.

'Obviously, we also need to find him,' he said thoughtfully. 'He can't have just disappeared, so he must be somewhere... and we need to work out where... and how... and who?'

His voice trailed off as he contemplated the possibilities. Could it have been one of the six? He shook his head. Such a crime would be unthinkable.

'My Lord?'

He turned his attention back to the dancing girl.

'I'm sorry,' he said again. 'My mind was wandering. Yes, the others will want to get back as soon as possible, but I don't want to leave things as they are just yet. Something odd happened here and I want to know what. I'll get Fidriss to keep it all live so nothing is disturbed. I'll leave for a while but come back soon. In the meantime I want you to do some digging. Ask around. Speak to as many people as you can and try to get a proper picture of what happened last night. All the details - however inconsequential they may seem.'

She nodded.

'I can do that,' she replied. 'Is this official or do you want me to be inconspicuous?'

'There may be risks,' he said thoughtfully. 'But I think you can handle that. No, I'm happy for you to make it official. Tell people I asked you for this - and let them know you're a legal. This might prevent you from being... targeted...'

She nodded again.

'Yes, sir. I guess my dancing days are over for the moment.'

'So it would seem...'

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