2. The Council of Six

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Before the first light of dawn broke over the city, the servants were already up and about, warming rooms and preparing breakfast. The citadel was a hive of activity since there were five huge caravans to tend to. Thousands of guests needed to be fed and cared for, so a small army of cooks were busy in dozens of enormous kitchens, chopping, stirring or shouting loudly.

High up towards the pinnacle of the castle, six separate teams were hard at work, quietly tending to the needs of their more important charges. Each visitor had their own personal chef who was expected to provide a unique culinary experience - even at breakfast. In the meantime, steaming baths were prepared and rooms quietly made ready for whatever their guests might require.

The short man woke as a few gentle rays of sunshine shone in through the large lantern-like windows and warmed his face. He stirred and pulled himself slowly upright. Although he had only been asleep for a few short hours, he felt refreshed and stretched contentedly before climbing out of bed.

Clean clothes were waiting for him on an antique wooden chair. He dressed by himself and admired his reflection in an ornate mirror. Not bad, he thought. The cut of the tunic was graceful but practical and he felt comfortable. He straightened the sleeves and walked from the bedroom onto one of the wooden balconies which overlooked the central chamber of his tower. A simple table had been set out for him with the chair facing outward so that he could see the city.

He drank a simple glass of orange juice and then took his time to sample some of the delicacies that had been prepared for him. Absentmindedly, he opened one of the books that had been left on the table.

He read for a while, as the sun slowly rose in the sky. The servants discretely tidied up the table and poured out a small glass of steaming tea which he sipped thoughtfully.

Eventually, he put the book to one side and took time to gaze out at the view. The warm sunlight was catching the buildings of the city and an aura of life was already surrounding the citadel. He knew that people would be stirring and beginning a new day. Great celebrations were planned, he understood, and the markets would be busy.

With a wry smile he stood and greeted the Chief Steward who seemed to have appeared from nowhere.

'Are you ready, sir?'

'I guess so,' the man replied as he picked up one of the books from the table. It was old, slightly battered and bound in thick leather but it fitted comfortably in his hand. 'I have all I need - but please give my complements to the staff. They have been exemplary.'

'Thank you sir, they will be pleased to hear that,' the steward said with a bow.

The short man smiled again and allowed the official to guide him through a small gothic arch towards the central staircase where they climbed up into the highest chamber - where the others were already waiting waiting for them.

The Chief Steward entered the council chamber first. He bowed low to the ground with a grand circular motion, his arms spread out to the side.

'His Excellency, the Lord of Prion and Master of the Golden Hills, Emperor Adreus Philipe Certaine,' he announced grandly, while the short man acknowledged his colleagues with a simple nod. He disliked using the name 'Adreus' in formal gatherings, preferring his original cypher name. Its use in his title was a subtle provocation, but he was disinclined to respond.

The chamber was built in polished marble with six broad alcoves. Skylights provided ample sunlight and there was no sign of torches or lanterns. There were six large wooden chairs which encircled an impressive abstract mosaic. One chair remained empty and Certaine knew it had been left for him.

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