Chapter 19

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Adrien breathed in the summer heat as he made his way towards the Bourgois Hotel. In truth he was far from thrilled at having this lunch with Chloé and Felix, but he also knew it was very necessary. For the sake of Kagami and Luka, he would shove his discomfort where his cousin was concerned to one side for the greater good - for the next right step as Marientte had reminded him yesterday. He smiled to himself at that.

Marinette. He wondered how he would have ever managed without her and her amazing parents. His mind was still reeling from the revelations from his father, but the moment he stepped foot into the bakery yesterday, it was as though all his troubles had simply melted away, much like the cupcakes they had made melted in his mouth.

Entering the restaurant, he saw Chloé and Felix seated at the far table. He couldn't help but notice there was at least three empty glasses in front of Felix while Chloé was obviously still on her first, and it wasn't even midday yet.

"Adrikins". Chloé waved, getting up from the table and throwing her arms around her oldest friend, kissing him on both cheeks. She then looked behind him. "Did Dupain-Cheng stand you up?" Adrien gave her the stink eye with and an incredulous look. Chloé looked reasonably apologetic. "I'm sorry, was Marinette unable to accompany you today?" She rephrased and Adrien smiled at her.

"She's on her way. Father wanted her come to a design meeting and to sign some paperwork." He let out a small sigh. "I...wasn't up to seeing him today." Chloé looked at him sympathetically. He had rung her the night before and told her everything that had happened.

"I'm so sorry Adrien." She said with genuine concern.

"I'm alright Chloé. I have Marinette and her family helping through it all. That's all I really need." She looked a little sad at that and Adrien put an arm around her shoulder. "And you of course, Chloé. You're still one of my best friends." She smiled sweetly at that.

"I can't wait to meet this amazing angel that fell from heaven that you can't seem to stop swooning over." Came the somewhat sarcastic voice of Felix from the table. Adrien looked over to find him mansplaining in his chair with a deadpan look on his face. Felix reached out his hand to his cousin, shaking it as Adrien took a seat.

"How are you Felix? I gather Chloé got you up to speed with the plan for night?" Adrien was trying to be cheerful, but he knew it was probably sounding strained. Although he and Felix had settled their disputes some time ago, they were very different people. Felix downed another gulp of his drink before waving the waiter over to order another.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Take the chick to the party, keep her entertained, then hand her over to the "lucky husband" upon which time I make an excuse to leave. There happy." He addressed the last part to Chloé who had her arms folded, tapping her fingers against her bicep.

"And...?" She prompted. Felix avoided her gaze as the waiter placed his drink in front of him.

"Keep my hands to myself and...don't get plastered." Felix then looked at his drink, his fourth bourbon and coke, before placing it in front of Adrien. "A drink for you cousin?" He said, forcing a smile. Adrien wasn't planning on drinking, but thought it best to help his cousin save face.

"Cheers Felix." The model said, raising his glass and taking a sip.

"There, see, you can do the right thing Feliakins." Chloé smirked.

"Don't call me that." He mumbled into his glass of water before his eyes suddenly widened on something in the distance.

"Whoa." He let out under his breath. Adrien turned around to see his girlfriend waving at them from the door. She was in her formal workwear in a navy blue suit jacket with a pencil skirt, paired with a baby pink blouse and a slightly darker pink silk scarf tied around her neck under her sophisticated up do.

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