Chapter 2

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It's gonna be a really long day for Songhwa and Jeongwon. The conjoined twins will come today, and some surgeons will join them for this case. For Chairman Joo and Director, this case will be the highlight for the hospital, this can bring the hospital in a very great review if it's success or otherwise.
However they didn't want to burden the doctors who handle this case, afterall they could decide if they want to handle this case or drop it. And in this case Jeongwon and Songhwa are confident to take this opportunity.

"So, you've decided to take this ?"
"Yes Director. But, we still need another neurosurgeon. I can't do it alone"
"Prof Min will join you, i've brief him earlier as he has surgery now"
"Really ? But he refused me before"
"Yes, but he just called me last night and want to join. Also he's done this before even though it was a long time ago"

"Sorry Director, don't you mention that there will be a neurosurgeon from U.S that will join us before?"
"Ah about that, turns out she doesn't want to do the surgery. She's just coming here to monitor the twins because she's the one who recommend Songhwa to the twin's guardian"

"She recommended me ? Who is she, Director?"
"Aaahh she's ..."
Suddenly someones knocks the door
"Who is it ? Just come in "

When the door is open, a woman appears in front of them.
"Director, sorry i'm late"

Jeongwon and Songhwa surprise to see that woman, but they can keep their reaction to themselve.

It's Lee Yu Na, she was in medical school SNU also in the same year as Songhwa and the gang.

She was Ikjun's ex girlfriend in college.
Indeed she was the first girl that Ikjun dated in college.

Suddenly Songhwa remember the second year of medical school when she has to watch them singing together in welcome party for new student.
They're really look good together. And with the same last name, they's re just perfect with each other.

"Ah come in Yu Na - ssi"
"Thank you Director" she's smiling while enter the room "Hi long time no see" Yuna gives her hand to meet Songhwa and Jeongwon
"Hi, long time no see"
"Three of you went to SNU at the same year, right"
"Yes Director"
"Waaahh i heard that you will come here, but it's been a long time, you didn't change much" Jeongwon is welcoming her.

"So you're the one who brings the twins ?" Songhwa can't help but curious what makes Yuna recommended her to do this surgery.
"Yes, i knew you've done this before and two times you've successed. I also saw the footage of your previous surgery. I know you're one of the best neurosurgeon in this country"
"Oh no, you're too exaggerating."

They're start the discussion about the procedure of surgery, however Songhwa can't help but feels weird about the situation.


Ikjun just had an 8 hours surgery since this morning, it's already 4:00 p.m and it's also the time to see his outpatiens.
He's start to look out his patient's charts while someone calling his name, and he turns around it's Junwan.
"What ?"
"Do we have band practice today ? Songhwa asked"
"We can. But is Seokhyung available ? I havent saw him since yesterday."
"Yeah, he's good"
"You didn't join the meeting for twin's surgery? I thought they need you"
"I did, now they're taking the twins to CT scan and MRI"
"Ikjun-na how about we go drinks tonight?"
"Cannot, i miss Uju, he's just got back from field trip yesterday"

Junwan can't help but feel annoying to him refusing his proposal for drinks since last year. Just when he about to go, he saw someone familiar walking through them and when it's about five meters away he's surprised.

"Waahh when i saw you two Changwon brothers together like this, i feel so young, feels like i never leave college"
"Yaaahh Lee Yu Na... what a surprise!!!"
Ikjun turns his head around and see her "Oh..."
"You didn't change much Kim Junwan" finally Yuna stand in front of them.

"Ikjun-na you didn't look surprised to see her" Junwan notices that Ikjun didn't surprise to see her. His looks show that he's confused rather than surprised.
"Why you're here?"
"I bring twins for Jeongwon and Songhwa"
"You're the one who bring the twins? You didn't mention that before"

Junwan is confuse with their conversation.
"What do you mean?"
"Why do you asked her that she didnt mention that before? Did you already meet before?
"Yes, i met Ikjun last year in Spain ?" Yuna cuts him off as Junwan start introgating him.
"What? What happened in Spain?" Junwan look at Ikjun and Yuna.
"Well it's nothing compare to what happened in Hawai" Yuna is having fun teasing Junwan.
"What happended in Hawai?" Ikjun has heard this several times before, that Junwan has secret about Hawai, but he never found out what is that.

Yuna who's just finish join the meeting with Jeongwon and Songhwa finaly decided to find Ikjun, because she's hungry, she asked Songhwa before to have meal together but Songhwa wants to check the twins and join the resident doing the CT scan and MRI for the twins.
"Ikjun-na, let's have a meal together, i'm hungry"
"I can't, i have to see my outpatients now. Gotta go" Ikjun walks aways from Junwan and Yuna leaving them standing.
Yuna decided to asks Junwan, and since he doesn't have any outpatients and surgery he agrees to have a meal with her, but he only wants to eat in the cafetaria.


Songhwa just finish checking the twins. It's 6.00 p.m and she's hungry, she calls Ikjun to ask if they should go eat first before band practice, but he doesn't pick up. Just five minutes later Ikjun shows up in front of her room. He looks tired but he still smiles when he enters her room.
"Hey, did you finish ?"
"Yeah, just about to get change, do you?"
"Not yet, i still need to look my patient in ICU. Should we go eat first? I haven't eat anything since breakfast"
"Yaaaa.. i put a bread and kimbab on your desk, you haven't eat that?"
"I haven't go back to my room. Then let's go eat bread and kimbab before we leave"
"You eat that, also let's make ramyun later in Seokhyung's"
"Okay, i'll just need 20 minutes, i'll bring the car to the lobby"
"Arrasso, take it easy"
Ikjun smiles before close the door.

She wants to ask him if he already knew that Lee Yu Na is here, if he's already meet her. She's lying if she said she's not curious about that.
Songhwa still remember how heartbroken she was. She thought that something will happen between her and Ikjun on her birthday. But Ikjun cancel the plan and after that she feels like Ikjun has been avoiding her. And just about two weeks later, Ikjun told the gang that he's dating Lee Yu Na.

Songhwa remembers, even when Ikjun and Yuna broke up, they're still remain good friend to each other. Songhwa didn't remember when exactly they broke up, because at the time Ikjun told the gang that he's single, he's still hang out with Yuna. There's no difference before and after they broke up.
The gang never knew the real reason why they broke up. Ikjun just said that Yuna is planning to move to U.S and start her residency there, so they broke up.

After Yuna move to U.S no one knows about how she is except Ikjun. She never come to the reunion or friends's wedding. She's only came to Ikjun's wedding. And at the time she came alone. When Junwan teased her if she's married or have a boyfriend, she didn't answer, she teased him back and we never really knew about her.
Songhwa wonders if Yuna somehow still like Ikjun or does she ever move on from him.
Like she never was.

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