The Jewel in the Crown

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Third Person's POV

"We all make mistakes" Aleena said "But determination, the will to keep going in spite of those set backs is one of the greatest lessons we must all learn in life and my son is no stranger to determination" Markus said.

"Hey, check this out sis" Manic said showing Sonia a bug "Ewww! Get that thing away from me! You know how I feel about bugs! They're creepy!" Sonia said and Manic put the bug down "Relax sis it's not real! It's a remote controlled snooper I asked Brody to build" Manic said "And I'm sending it to Robotnik's headquarters" he said as the two walk to the van.

Brody and Sonic were inside esting chili dogs and Manic started controlling the bug watching on the computer.

"I received this photograph from a jewel merchant" Robotnik said and compared it to a photo of the royal crown and said the jewel was the same and said the jewel glows when it gets closer to Aleena and ordered Sleet and Dingo to get the jewel and the heroes set their path to the merchant's city.

When the heroes arrived to the city Manic parked the van and they got out but the city looked empty. No one was on the streets so they started to look for the merchant, they soon heard flute music so they got on the van and followed the music, when they found the musician they asked for the merchant's location and they headed there.

Sadly Sleet had found the merchant first but since Sleet didn't pay he left the store and the merchant looks outside seeing Aleena and Markus hiding and they nodded at him and the merchant went back inside.

The heroes arrived later and sneaked inside and tried to take the jewel but Brody, Sonic and Sonia couldn't do it question it it was stealing, unaware to the four heroes they were standing ontop of the carpet that wasactually Dingo morphed so he trapped the heroes in him and Sleet grabbed the jewel and morphed Dingo back to normal knocking the heroes off them and the two run off to their ship and fly off.

"Sonic! Brody! After them" Sonia said "No problemo sis" Sonic said "We'll be back in a bit" Brody said and the two run off after them, the duo chased them and then run ahead setting a big net and set it as a wall stooping Sleet and Dingo's ship. This made Sleet called Robotnik and he said he'll send back up.

At the same time Sonic and Brody found a barrel with oil so they grabbed one bucket each flooding it forcing Sleet and Dingo to get out of the ship, cause the oil also got out the ship it cause them to slip and Dingo drop the jewel away and Sonic catches it and he and Brody run back to the van as swatbots chase them, the four hid and thought of an idea to lose Sleet and Dingo by disguising and play a song so they summon their instruments and get in action.

*After the song*

The heroes used their van as a decoy that Sleet and Dingo fell for but Sleet planted a bug under the van and left with Dingo as the heroes get in their van and drive off into the forest.

As they drive through the forest the jewel starts glowing brighter and brighter meaning they were getting close. Unaware to them the bug planted under the van was giving Sleet their location as he and Dingo were tailing them to catch the king and queen as well as the heroes.

The heroes soon reached the place where supossedly Aleena and Markus were and they headed inside while Sleet and Dingo watch from afar before following them inside and Robotnik was heading there as well.

The heroes soon reached an area where two cloaked figures where but when they pull the cloak down they see it was a machine that purpously made the gem glow cause' Aleena and Markus wanted to lure Robotnik into a trap as their way out was almost closed but Sonic and Brody stopped it till Manic and Sonia crossed to the other side as some strange sticky yellow liquid dripped as a plant appears causing the heroes to run off past Sleet and Dingo who the plant chases.

The four heroes escaped and swatbots started to go at them so the heroes took them out and get in the van driving away.

*Back at the city*

"I just don't get it!" Sonic said "What was all that stuff about the jewel leading us to Queen Aleena and King Markus?" Brody asks as Manic pulls the bug out of the van "At least we know how Sleet and Dingo found us! They stuck this homing device under the van" Manic said and then they all decided to confront the merchant. But when they got to the store he was nowhere to be seen, only a painting covered and after thinking it and pulling the cover away seeing the picture being of Queen Aleena and King Markus they realise this was a plan they divised to capture Robotnik "What do we do now?" Manic asks "We keep looking, we'll never give up. As long as we can stand we will find our parents" Brody said and the three hedgehogs nodded in agreement and walked out.

As they get in the van they were unware of Aleena and Markus watching them from behind a corner "Freedom is a long road full of unexpected twist and turns" Aleena said 'But we must keep going, don't lose hope someday we'll all be reunited" Markus said as they watch the kids drive away on the van as this chapter comes to an end.

Sonic Underground(BrodyxSonic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon