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"So the rumours are true! My dear friend has returned to us." Mingi swept Wooyoung up in a hug, ruffling his hair. Mingi was always rather odd, yet Wooyoung felt his eyes widen at Mingi's attire.

"Mingi how the hell are you here?" Yeosang hugged the other, while still appearing rather baffled.

"Well, you see, I vamp magic-ed my way home when I heard little Wooyoung had returned to us." Mingi pat Wooyoung's head.

"Mingi you were in top security prison for murder." San pointed out. Mingi was currently dressed in orange overalls and a white singlet with again no shoes.

"And now I'm not." Mingi shrugged and took a cupcake.

"Hold on, what happened?" Wooyoung grabbed Mingi's hand, trying to gain his attention. There was a silence, before Mingi puts down his cupcake and holds Wooyoung's hands delicately. Mingi always was a gentle person, so there was nothing more shocking than Mingi murdering someone.

"I killed a noble vampire." Mingi sighed. "A really high-up one. He was going to kill your family and try prevent your rebirth. So I stepped in and killed him instead. I knew you'd return to the same bloodline, and I would never let anyone sabotage you returning to us." Silence. It was almost suffocating.

"So you went to prison... for years." Wooyoung felt guilty. Mingi went to prison to protect him.

"154 years to be exact." Mingi gave Wooyoung a sad look. "It's not your fault Wooyoung. I made my choices, and I don't regret them." A featherlight kiss was pressed to Wooyoung's forehead, Mingi sitting down beside Yunho after.

"Ok so Mingi this is Jackson, Mark, Jongho and Yunho. They're good friends of ours, and Yunho's been my friend since we were kids. He's like family." Wooyoung gave Yunho a smile, the other looking quite nervous. Yunho was only like this around those he thought were attractive.

"Hello Yunho. It's nice to meet you." Mingi leaned closer to Yunho, holding out his hand for Yunho to shake. Yet when Yunho's hand slipped into Mingi's the other have his knuckles a kiss. Which was, singlehandedly, the most Mingi thing he could have done.

He was a flirt, and wasn't ashamed to admit it.

"Nice to meet you too..." Yunho glanced at anything but Mingi. There was this strange aura that shrouded Yunho and Mingi.

So Wooyoung quickly realised his friend might have a crush.

"So my lovely little Wooyoung, what's life been like for you this time around?" Mingi sipped at the tea Yunho poured for him, maroon eyes fixed to Wooyoung. Most would find his almost predatory gaze frightening or intimidating. But Wooyoung just felt comforted by Mingi's return.

"Well I've sort of lived as a vampire hunter for most of my life." It was impossible not to notice the way Mingi's grip tightened on his teacup. "But I only ever hunted bad ones, those that killed senselessly. Yunho too, though he's killed a lot less than me. That's pretty much it though. And how have you been?" Wooyoung grinned at the way Mingi seemed perfectly happy now.

"Prison wasn't fun, I'll tell you that much. The blood was clearly days old. And the clothes were horrendous. And I just..." Mingi's now reddening eyes were gently tearing up. "I missed you guys so much."

"Oh Mingi." Wooyoung quickly got up to hug Mingi, kneeling beside him and burying his face in Mingi's neck. It was only after he'd done this, and when Mingi's forehead was pressed against his shoulder, that Wooyoung realised how dangerous this potentially was.

But he trusted these three vampires with his life.

"Wooyoung there's something I don't think you quite realise." Mingi said, leaning back to look Wooyoung in the eye. "Last time I saw you, you were bleeding out on your bedroom floor. Last time I saw you I watched you die. It's been 154 years of being unsure if you'd even come back to us. You were my best friend." Wooyoung thought back to all the late nights he and Mingi spent chatting about everything and nothing. Mingi really was like family to him.

"Yeah... I guess I do forget that sometimes." Wooyoung sighed, looking up at Mingi and wiping his eyes. "Guess we need to catch up."

"Really? Oh I'd absolutely love that!" And suddenly Wooyoung was being spun around and hugged tightly. It seemed that while Mingi and Wooyoung were having their little heart to heart the rest had left. All that remained was a note.

We went to the karaoke room. Ask man at door for directions.

"What on Earth is 'karaoke'?" Mingi stared at the word in bafflement. It was only then that Wooyoung realised...

Last time Mingi was out and about was in the 1860s.

And the world had changed a lot since then.

"You are going to be so excited to see the world Mingi. I promise, pretty much everything has changed." Wooyoung gripped Mingi's free hand and rushed to the door. There was, in fact, a man standing at the door. Not too close, and he was fiddling with a loose thread of what seemed like a casual butler uniform of sorts.

"Oh, I guess you guys are going to the karaoke room?" The man asked, flashing a bright smile. "I'm Youngjae, and come right this way."

"Thank you Youngjae." Wooyoung followed close behind, already hearing a rather loud singing voice, as well as one he easily identified as Yunho's.

"What the..." Mingi then hesitated, clearly unsure. He wasn't used to any of this, and Wooyoung sort of took pity on him.

Sort of.

Wooyoung pulled Mingi into the room.

Though really no one could have been prepared for what they saw.

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