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Everyone just stared at Yunho for a long moment.

For so many reasons.

The first was his surprisingly nonchalant tone when faced with a vampire in a room with a bunch of vampire hunters. Not to mention the pile of weapons on the kitchen island. Also the blood soaking Wooyoung's shirt. He didn't seem to be all that phased about anything.

The second thing was Yunho's appearance.

Yunho wore plain black jeans and a white button up. Except the buttons were all done up incorrectly. And his hair was sticking up in many different directions, like it had been tugged and tousled. Not to mention the... bites. All over his neck and exposed collar bones, coupled with his deeply swollen lips.

"So I see you and Mingi had a fun day." San joked while everyone else stared blankly.

"Oh hi San! Can we bring our vampire lovers to dinner? Yes?" Yunho held up his left hand, the engagement ring close to his lips. "Hey Baby you can have dinner with us if you want."

"Is that an engagement ring..?" Hongjoong couldn't seem to catch up with what was going on. But Wooyoung also didn't really know what was happening with Yunho and Mingi.

"Oh! Ask your... Mingi... to bring the tiny angry cutie!" Seonghwa added, not even the slightest bit confused.

Yunho froze for a second. "...Yeosang..?"

"Yeah." Seonghwa clapped excitedly, sufficiently freaking out everyone who knew Yeosang. Wooyoung had a feeling Seonghwa was attracted to Yeosang, but he also knew Yeosang would kill Seonghwa without hesitation if he heard himself refered to as 'the tiny angry cutie'.

"Alright then... Mingi bring Yeo too, oh and Jongho." Yunho muttered to his ring, slowly lowering his hand as he finished his sentence.

"Would anyone care to explain what the fuck is happening!? Excuse my language Miss Byeol." Hongjoong finally broke.

"Well it's a funny story actually." Yunho shrugged, grabbing Hongjoong's shoulders and leading him to the lounge room so the parents could talk privately. "You see, Youngie and I became friends with vampires when we moved here. One of which was Yeosang, who will put Hwa in the morgue if he hears that nickname, who is an elder vampire. And he has a friend who's also an elder vampire, Choi San. So San would avoid Wooyoung like an idiot which made Wooyoung mad. Then it turns out those two were fucking in their past life, and Wooyoung promised to find San again. But when he did San got all nervous. But now they're cool and will likely be fucking again soon."

"That is the worst possible way you could have told that..." Wooyoung sighed, pushing his hair away from his face. "Also you forgot to mention your fiancé."

Yunho's expression lit up like fireworks. "My beautiful Mingi! How could I forget! I'm getting married to a vampire named Mingi who I met like a month ago but he's a sweetheart and really good in bed and..." Yunho started rambling about Mingi. In a startling and rather disturbing amount of detail...

"I head my name." Mingi showed up, arms wrapping around Yunho's middle as he nuzzled the side of Yunho's neck. "You smell... lustful." He whispered into Yunho's ear, something Wooyoung could only hear because of his fledgling senses.

"I smell a fledgling, actually." Yeosang, as per usual, entered the room with an unnecessary amount of dramatic flare. Where everyone else wore plain jeans and shirts, Yeosang was dressed in a fancy blue dress shirt, embroidered with gold. And black pants that may have seemed plain but would have likely cost a decent amount.

Still no shoes...

"More vampires?!" Hongjoong was sufficiently freaking out. He'd shrunk as far back into the armchair as possible, fingers rested against another blessed blade.

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