Twenty One

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It was early in the evening when Wooyoung and San received the letter.

They were curled up before the fire place chatting about the upcoming wedding when it appeared on the table with a puff of smoke.

"Says to meet Alister at the town hall, 12 tonight." San sounded resolute, handing Wooyoung the letter. "I'll kill him this time, I swear."

"And I don't doubt you will." Wooyoung smiled, opening his arms cutely and giggling when San curled up against his chest again.

San pouted up at Wooyoung. "What about you? You'll be here alone."

"I'll just invite Yeosang over, which means both he and Seonghwa will be here with me." Wooyoung suggested, glad when San nodded. A quick dial had Yeosang's slightly disgruntled voice filling the room.

"Oh thank God it's you. Your friend is making me wish for mortality simply so I can die and escape his presence. Help me." Wooyoung laughed as he heard Seonghwa whining over the other side of the phone. He could almost picture Seonghwa's attempts to be adorable.

"Actually I was wondering if you could come over, I have some shit to explain." Wooyoung was relatively unsurprised when Yeosang and Seonghwa appeared in a puff of smoke. Yeosang hung up the phone, turning to Seonghwa and sighing deeply.

"I hoped to ditch you..." Yeosang grumbled, though even an idiot could tell there wasn't an ounce of sincerity to his voice. That and his cute oversized pink sweater and tiny pyjama shorts made him seem like the least threatening person in the room. "So what's happening? Are you two ok? Who's dying?"

"Uhh..." Wooyoung cleared his throat nervously. "Alister's back."

"What?" Yeosang seethed with immediate rage, completely ready to kill.

"Hey it's ok. He hasn't done anything... or anyone... yet." Wooyoung couldn't help but slip a small joke, glad when he earned a small giggle from San. "I was just wondering if the both of you would stay with me while San confronts him?"

"Sure, let me get my stuff." Seonghwa quickly sat cross legged on the floor, closing his eyes in concentration.

"What is he doing? I can't hear him." Yeosang seemed vaguely panicked, which is understandable considering he'd be very used to hearing Seonghwa's thoughts at that point. Wooyoung pressed his finger to his lips, patiently waiting.

Seonghwa's eyes shot open, pure glowing gold. His palm was outstretched and pulsing with that same golden glow.

"What the fuck!?" Yeosang jumped back, stunned when pure white armour bloomed from Seonghwa's palm, the floral pattern of soul metal surging over his whole body, only stopping close to the base of his neck. This was to leave space for a white ribbon choker and  glass pendant encasing the truest essence of hope.

Seonghwa stretched as he stood up, the metal shifting along with his every movement. It flowed like liquid, yet not a single blade can pierce it. After his parents died Seonghwa refused to take it off near people for about three years.

"Family heirloom." Seonghwa explained plainly, opening his palm and willing his bone whip to his hand. It was made entirely of spinal bones, from what no one knows, with a sharpened tip. "What? Am I looking sexy?" Seonghwa smirked, posing like a model and making Yeosang roll his eyes.

"No." He replied bluntly. "But... you do look... not too bad." Yeosang mumbled, staring at the floor. Seonghwa froze for a moment, staring at Yeosang as light pink rose up his neck and stained his cheeks.

"I heard that you cute little princess." Seonghwa practically threw himself at Yeosang after regaining his composure, wrapping his arms around Yeosang's neck and snuggling him close.

"Let me go human!" Yeosang screeched, falling onto the couch in his attempts to push Seonghwa away. All were futile. If anything Seonghwa was able to gain a stronger hold of Yeosang.

"I'll leave you to... that." San said quietly to Wooyoung while Yeosang threw a string of rather creative curses at Seonghwa. "Be safe?"

"Always." Wooyoung kissed San sweetly, only pulling away when Yeosang let out another guttural scream.

San left shortly after.

"Movies?" Seonghwa gave Wooyoung the puppy dog eyes from the couch, holding a less than impressed Yeosang. The other was glaring darkly at everything as he slouched in Seonghwa's lap. He looked rather adorable, but Yeosang would also...

"I am not adorable Wooyoung."

...kill him if he knew Wooyoung thought that...

"Alright, movies." Wooyoung gave in rather quickly, already handing Seonghwa the remote. The three of them ate insane amounts of popcorn while watching the whole Shrek series. The only time Yeosang was freed from Seonghwa's grasp throughout the night was when Wooyoung compared Seonghwa to Shrek, in which case Seonghwa chased him around the lounge room.

Yeosang actually seemed to enjoy it when Seonghwa pulled the vampire back into his lap.

So much so that he actually fell asleep there.

"Isn't he cute when he's sleeping?" Seonghwa gently brushed Yeosang's pink bangs out of his face, a soft expression on his face. It was the most adoration Wooyoung had ever seen from Seonghwa.

"See I would agree, but I think you're the only one who can say that without getting killed." Wooyoung chuckled softly, feeling sleepy himself. Like he was about to pass out.

And Seonghwa was the same.

"Shit..." is all Wooyoung could utter before he lapsed into unconsciousness.

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