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"Hey Wooyoung, what's up?" Yunho noticed his upset almost immediately, worry evident in his voice. Wooyoung kept the most of his thoughts to himself, but when Yunho gave him an especially concerned look he finally caved.

"I think I know what's going on with San..." Wooyoung then explained what he could piece together to Yunho, who grew more shocked with each new part of the story.

"If you're right, that has to be the cutest shit ever." Yunho eventually declared, a faraway look in his eyes. "I wish I could find that sort of thing."

"But I don't know if I'm right. What if I'm wrong?" Wooyoung knew deep down it's very unlikely that he was wrong, but he is the kind of person to get worried for no real reason. Yunho ruffled his hair and offered his brightest smile.

"I think we both know that is very unlikely at this point. Don't let doubt get to you. It'll all be ok, I know it." There was this tone to Yunho's voice that made Wooyoung want to believe him.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." Yunho glanced away from Wooyoung. "Go ask Yeosang if you wanna be sure."

"You know what, I will." Wooyoung was honestly rather annoyed at Yeosang at this point in time. If his hunch was correct, Yeosang could have helped him out a lot sooner.

Wooyoung stomped up to Yeosang with crossed arms. The other glanced at the book peaking out from inside Wooyoung's shoulder bag, the diary, and sighed.

"You wish to discuss that, correct?" Yeosang indicated to the book. There was a tense silence as Wooyoung led Yeosang behind the school, lost and unsure even now. "Not here." Yeosang said, leading Wooyoung outside and out of the public eye.

"What's going on?" He growled, yet Yeosang just shrugged.

"Can't tell you." Yeosang levelled Wooyoung with a somewhat disinterested look, though his eyes betrayed guilt.

"Please Yeosang! I'm sick of being left in the dark! Where do I know San?" Wooyoung was on the verge of frustrated tears, which only served to make him feel more pathetic.

"I wish I could tell you, I really do... but he has to tell you himself." Yeosang turned to walk away, yet Wooyoung gripped his arm desperately.

"Why do I know so much about San without even properly meeting him?" Wooyoung was hit with a flood of knowledge his brain had locked away, words spilling out faster than he could stop it. "Why do I know San can never tie his shoes properly? He likes to sleep on the left side of the bed because it's closest to his bedroom door. He loves to dream and he feels bad for those that can't. He thinks it's 'barbaric' when vampires drink straight from a person because he sees humans as having the same rights. He always has one sugar in his tea. He loves stargazing, and he always sat on the lawn with this huge doona and snuggled up in a way that made him adorable. He was always terrible at chess, yet excelled at checkers. He loves hugs, even in his sleep. And when he smiles, properly smiles, his nose sort of scrunches up. A-and he... he called me 'Angel'. And he was so awkward and confused. But how do I know this?!" Wooyoung was fully crying at this point, unsure of everything and nothing at the same time. His mind was in turmoil, and he couldn't quiet it down.

"Wooyoung I..." Yeosang looked more guilty by the second, but didn't explain anything.


There it was.

Wooyoung felt everything splinter even further. His heart ached, and he reached out to the owner of the voice. San enveloped Wooyoung in a hug, whispering assurances into his ear and pushing the hair from his eyes.

"Who are you?" Wooyoung whispered, levelling San with a demanding glare. He could only imaging how disoriented he looked, with a hard glare and tear stained face. His cheeks and eyes were also undoubtedly puffy which didn't help his situation. Yet San held his gaze unwaveringly, maroon eyes swimming with guilt and anguish.

"I'm no one." Wooyoung felt a fuse of anger ignite within his stomach, burning up to his mind and clouding his judgement with it's billowing smoke clouds. San could easily sense his anger. As did Yeosang, who hastily made his exit.

"You're just a filthy bloodsucker." Wooyoung sneered without thinking, whole body burning with anger.

"And you're my other half."

San spoke with such confidence, yet clearly hadn't thought his words through.

"Then tell me why!" Wooyoung gripped San's shirt, pleading silently. The evidence of an internal struggle painted itself over San's features, but he still lifted Wooyoung from the grass and walked away with him. Wooyoung was too stunned to be humiliated, familiar in the warmth of San's chest against him. They eventually stopped on the roof, where Wooyoung had been only half an hour before.

"Ask your questions." San fiddled with his fingers nervously, and Wooyoung was struck with memory. Yet he didn't think he'd actually be in this situation. So he blurted out the first question that came to mind.

"Did you ever learn to tie your laces?"

Really Wooyoung!?

San seemed taken aback, yet his shock was soon replaced with a smile, though it didn't yet crinkle his nose.

"Yes, I did." He said evenly, though a significant amount of that anguish fled from his gaze. Feeling proud of himself for this small bit of progress, Wooyoung decided to shoot for a more serious question.

"Why do you seem to dislike me so much? I just wanna know if I hurt you. And I know you said I didn't do anything wrong, but then why would you avoid me?" Wooyoung immediately felt bad for the way guilt spread throughout San's demeanour.

"You didn't do anything. I was trying to protect you." San seemed awkward once again, reaching out for Wooyoung's hand before stopping himself.

"From what?" Wooyoung took the initiative, lacing his fingers with San's.

"You got hurt." San refused to meet Wooyoung's gaze. And things started to click into place, within his own mind. Memories he'd pushed away, and excerpts of that book he ended up finishing once he'd collected his thoughts.

"San. Look at me." Wooyoung gently cupped San's cheek so he looked at Wooyoung. "You didn't get me killed."

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