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Wooyoung once again adjusted the v-neck of his witch costume. It was cheap, and he'd picked it up from a Halloween store which was strangely open all year. The hat was slightly too large for his head, but his witch themed makeup was some of his best work. There were symbols pouring down from his eyes, black lipstick and thick eyeliner and eyeshadow. He didn't often wear dresses either, but he did like the way the black fabric clung to his body.

"Sannie! You almost ready for me to do your makeup?!" Wooyoung yelled, not surprised when San appeared beside him.

"Woah." San muttered, staring at Wooyoung with an adorable amount of awe. "You look amazing for a scary witch lady."

"Why thank you, now sit your dumbass down and let me do your makeup." Wooyoung gently pushed San onto the chair before him, grabbing his makeup pallet and gently starting on the eyeshadow. San's over-exaggerated vampire costume made Wooyoung chuckle slightly, finding the fake blood all over San's hands to be the icing on the cake. Wooyoung gently added red and purple lines to the thick  eyeshadow he'd blended around San's eyes, making San's face even paler to enhance the redness of his lips. "Bite down on this." Wooyoung shoved an edible fake blood packet into San's mouth, shocking his fiancé enough to instinctively bite down. The liquid oozed down San's chin, finishing the look.

"We done?" San asked happily, looking at his reflection and laughing.

Wooyoung quickly grabbed his wedding gifts, checking the time and just about having a heart attack. "San we gotta go!"

"Shit, come here." San grabbed Wooyoung around the waist, teleporting them to Mingi's weird haunted house attraction. "I'll see you after, yeah?" San almost gave Wooyoung a kiss on the cheek, thankfully remembering the fake blood all over his face and halting.

"Go! Mingi's most likely freaking out!" Wooyoung pushed San lightly, going to check on Yunho. He'd promised to help Yunho with makeup before going to Mingi and getting ready.

"Wooyoung am I ugly?!" Yunho seemed more panicked than Wooyoung had predicted. He was dressed as red riding hood, with a cute short dress and fishnet stockings paired with knee high heels. The cloak was slung over a chair in the corner.

"Holy shit no! You look incredible." Wooyoung held Yunho's hands carefully. "Mingi's gonna have a heart attack when he sees you."

"Really? I'm that pretty?" Yunho glanced at Wooyoung disbelievingly.

Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "Definitely. Now please let me do your makeup." Yunho giggled at Wooyoung's tone, sitting down and allowing Wooyoung to apply blush to his cheeks.

Wooyoung gave Yunho's makeup a few touch ups before declaring it finished. A deep blush covered Yunho's cheeks and nose (like in Thanxx era) with ruby red eyeliner and small claw marks on his cheek.

"Alrightie, to Mingi. I'll see you later." Wooyoung gave Yunho a quick hug before rushing out of the room. He ran into Jongho, Hongjoong and Seonghwa on his way out, almost doubling over with laughter when he saw Hongjoong. While Seonghwa had been serious with his Frankenstein outfit, with grey makeup and cool clothing. And Jongho had dressed as Hulk with surprisingly good makeup work... Hongjoong had gone the complete opposite direction.

He was dressed up like a fairy.

With the childish dress and shitty elastic wings. He looked like Tinkerbell after a night of heavy drinking.

"I know... I know..." Seonghwa pat Wooyoung's back as he struggled to stay upright, Hongjoong scoffing and rolling his eyes. He walked into Yunho's change room, only to be met with more hysterical laughter from Yunho.

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