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The vast halls of the Choi mansion had always intimidated Wooyoung. Like a mouse trapped in a maze. While his masters were kind enough, Wooyoung was never sure what night would bring. Sleep? Or his drained body splayed upon his bed? He hoped for the first option, but one could never be too careful. Thankfully the job paid well, so he could help his struggling family.

Many vampires swarmed in as soon as the doors opened. It was the young master's birthday, and his parents had decided he should find a bride. Wooyoung had never really met any of the vampires he worked for. But those who had said that they were kind. A distinctive flood of dread swept over Wooyoung's mind as he entered the ballroom, which is where the party was held. The young master looked rather lost, claustrophobic when surrounded by the beautiful vampire noblewomen who practically threw themselves at him.

The sound of the vase smashing echoed through the halls, forcing all eyes upon him.

He was such an awkward person.

His face flared as he knelt to the floor, gently gathering the shards. He really hoped it wasn't expensive. He'd never have the money to pay for it. Chatter resumed, less dead eyes being trained upon Wooyoung. Yet as he looked up, he did meet someone's gaze.

The young master held his stare, unblinking and somewhat unreadable. Embarrassed and unsure, Wooyoung wasn't paying attention to what he was doing and sliced the tip of his finger with a shard of vase.

Immediately someone gripped his wrist.

It was one of the noblewomen, gaze frenzied as she bought her lips close to his wrist as though to feast. He couldn't move, his mind running a million miles an hour while his body was frozen. Just as he was about to let out a horrified scream his body was jerked backwards, another hand gripping hers.

"Don't even think about it." The voice was booming and intimidating, yet smooth and deceivingly tranquil at the same time. The woman backed away, looking mortified by her own outburst. The body pressed to Wooyoung's back was surprisingly warm, and he wanted to melt into the touch.

It was the young master.

"Are you alright?" He gently held up Wooyoung's hand, brows furrowed in worry. Something about the way his expression contorted his elegant features made Wooyoung want to smooth it away. He quickly removed himself from the young master's hold, gathering his scattered thoughts haphazardly.

"I am perfectly alright young master Choi. I will clean this mess immediately." Wooyoung went back to collecting the shards, but was stopped by a firm hold on his arm.

"Someone else can handle that. Let me help you." Then he was hurried from the room. He was taken outside, seated on a bench, and stared at carefully by the vampire before him.

"I assure you I really am fine young master Choi." Wooyoung felt warm under San's gaze. His eyes weren't that intimidating crimson, but a dulled maroon that held warmth and care that confused Wooyoung beyond belief.

"San." The young master coughed awkwardly. "Please call me San."

"Alright then..." Wooyoung's brain finally made him aware of the stinging sensation in his finger. The cut was still bleeding, droplets splattering against the grass. He involuntary winced, about to use his handkerchief to stop the flow. But San gripped his hand, a warmth seeping into Wooyoung's skin. Suddenly the blood flowed back into the cut, skin sealing overtop. "Thank you."

"I-It's alright." San stuttered out, scratching the back of his neck. Wooyoung didn't know vampires got nervous like that, and let out an involuntary giggle. Those captivating eyes met Wooyoung's again. And it felt like time froze. His heart was pounding in his ears, and he almost thought he was sick.

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