Chapter Eight

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"Tell me what else can I do

What more have I left to prove?

That I am what you need

Still, I will hold on to your heart

Through the chaos and the dark

When your eyes fail to see"


Brooklyn Navy Yard. NYC. April 2014.

Bucky followed closely behind Barton as they stealthily made their way to what Barton referred to as the "Quinjet." After weaving their way in and out of various crowded construction sites, Bucky observed what appeared to be aircraft at the edge of one of the dry docks. "That thing looks like a tin can," he thought, slowing down slightly. A slight whimper came from his arms. He looked down at you. The color had drained from your face and your breathing was rapid. He picked up his pace; he wouldn't lose anyone else on his account. He didn't want to be responsible for hurting anyone else.

As they approached, the jet's engines ignited, adjusting the wingtips. The rear hatch lowered to the ground. Clint jogged up the ramp with Bucky close behind. "Put her on the table, elevate her feet if you can, she may be in shock." Clint ordered as he jogged to the cockpit, "I'm going to take off; I'll be back to help as soon as I put in the coordinates."

Bucky gingerly sat you on the table, removing your trench coat now sporting a huge hole near the waist and your laptop bag. The jacket of the Tactical Suit looked undamaged. He unzipped it and carefully removed it from your shoulders. He knew you wouldn't want it damaged in any way, not after the trouble both of you went through to get it. Only then did he notice you had only worn a bra underneath the jacket. In an attempt to be respectful, he averted his eyes. But for a split second, he couldn't help but marvel at how beautiful he thought you were. He gently laid you down on the table, noting how soft and smooth your skin was. He bunched up your trench coat and placed it under your feet.

The floor shuddered beneath him as he reached up tugging an oxygen mask down from the ceiling. He gently brushed your hair out of your face before placing a mask over your nose and mouth. The shuddering ceased as Clint made his way back into the main cabin, placing his bow and quiver into a locker marked "Barton."

"Whoa, she wasn't kidding about the Tactical Suit," Clint marveled, examining the suit's jacket

"Yeah, we kinda took it from the Triskelion," Bucky confessed.

Clint cocked an eyebrow, "Last I checked that place was crawling with HYDRA agents."

"Yeah, it wasn't without incident," Bucky smirked, "it was her idea."

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