Chapter Eight

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Disclaimer: None of this mine, nor do I claim to be Stephenie Meyer. I just like to dabble in the playground that she created with Bella, Edward and her Twilight characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

I wanted to get Edward's conversation with her in the previous chapter, but I think it will be better in his POV. It'll be discussed while he's acting like a grease monkey, fixing Bella's car battery. You'll also see the depth of Edward's feeling toward Bella. They're already growing, can't you tell?

**Angst Warning**
**Tissue Warning**

Chapter Eight


It was getting harder to maintain my distance from Bella. She just felt so right in my arms. Despite the shit hand of cards she was dealt, she was positive and happy for her sister. She gave Katie every opportunity, navigating single parenthood with grace.

However, I saw the despair in her eyes. It was well-hidden with smiles, hard work and devotion to her family. I saw it. I hated it. I wanted to make it better.

This was why I was elbow-deep in her car's front-end. I'd removed her dead battery and easily replaced it. I was also installing a gift. Her car was newer, but did not have some of the safety measures I thought she needed. I got her a remote start and a car alarm. Bella was inside, starting to make dinner for her and Katie.

"Do you want some coffee?" Bella asked, walking into the garage. "I made decaf. I don't know about you, but if I drink regular coffee after three, I'm up all night." She held two mugs, giving me an uncertain smile.

I stood up, wiping my hands on a rag that Bella had given me. "That's great," I answered, taking the proffered cup. "I'm almost done. Do you have your key?" I sipped the coffee, humming at the warmth. "This is good. Perfect for a cold day like today."

"You're not wearing your jacket," Bella chided.

I held up my greasy, disgusting hands. "I didn't want to get it dirty. I'll have to scrub them raw to get all of this off."

"I'm sorry. I could have ..." she trailed off.

"Bella, I offered. It's all good. Doing stuff like this reminds me of how far I've come," I sighed. I closed the hood of the car, grinning at her crookedly. "Start her up. Let's see if the car still works."

Bella nodded, opening the driver's side and started the engine. It turned over, just as I expected it to. "It's all good. I'll have to reprogram the radio stations, but other than that, it's perfect." She turned off the engine. Closing the door, she looked at me. "Are you certain I can't pay you? I feel like I'm abusing our friendship."

"The only payment I require is a sink, hot water and soap," I laughed.

"I have that," she giggled. "And a home-cooked meal. You cooked for me. Now, it's my turn."

"Excellent," I grinned. "Now, before we go in, I have something for you. Consider it another gift ..."

"Edward," she chided.

"It's for your safety, angel," I argued, inwardly grimacing. I really needed to stop doing that. But, she was an angel. I'd love for her to be my angel. I handed her a key fob, careful that I wouldn't cover her with the grease from my ministrations in her car. "Chicago has some pretty nasty winters. I installed a remote start along with a car alarm." She gave me a hard look. "This button arms the car alarm. You press it again; it will disarm it. The blue button? You hold that down and the car will start. Try it, Bella."

She armed the alarm and then pressed the remote start. The car turned over. A fraction of a smile ghosted over her face. "This is pretty cool," she murmured.

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