Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Disclaimer: None of this mine, nor do I claim to be Stephenie Meyer. I just like to dabble in the playground that she created with Bella, Edward and her Twilight characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

Who's ready for those good things? Citrus alert next chapter. Also ... yeah ... buckle up.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I could barely keep my eyes off Bella. She was laughing and sitting on the beach, looking like an absolute goddess. Her skin practically glowed in the ethereal flickering of the flames inside the fire pit. "Dude, you're drooling over your girl," Jasper teased.

"It's been a long couple of weeks and we haven't had much alone time," I answered honestly. "Plus, the situation with ..." I nodded toward James. He was laughing with Riley, Paul and Jared.

"I don't trust him," Jasper shrugged. "Bella did say that he's been a consummate professional with this joint venture with that clothing line."

"I don't either, but we have to follow everything by the book, Jasper," I said quietly. "He's on probation and one more mistake, he's out. However, she told me the same. She doesn't like him, but she respects him as a businessman. That's what makes this whole situation difficult. It's the revenue we're earning from Emmett's team that is allowing the company the flexibility to have a four-day work week this summer."

"Talk about a rock and a hard place," Jasper mumbled.

"Exactly," I sighed. I checked my watch. "I'm going to pay the bill and have the owner close up the bar."

"This was a great barbecue. We should make it a tradition," he said.

"Then, it's good that I already reserved this place for next year, hmmm?" I laughed, dusting off my shorts. Jasper held up his beer with a lazy grin and I walked into the restaurant. Waving down the owner, I looked at the final bill. I used my corporate card to pay for the food and my personal card to pay for the alcohol. Signing the slips, I pocketed the receipts and walked back out to the beach. Almost everyone was gone or getting ready to leave. I found Bella talking to Alice and Rosalie. "You okay, angel?"

"I'm a little drunk and a lot horny," she giggled.

"Are we good here?" Rose asked, smiling indulgently at my drunk girlfriend.

"I just paid the bill," I answered.

"You go, Edward," Rose said. "Emmett, Alice, Jasper and I can clean this up."

"And, we'll grab the leftovers," Alice added.

I arched a brow at them, but looked at Bella who was staring at me intently. "Thank you. Both of you," I nodded, holding my hand out to Bella. She took it, sliding her arms around my neck. "Come on, angel ... we have a date ..."

"With our bed," she said. I groaned, guiding us to my SUV and helping her into the front seat. I waved as I got into the driver's seat, heading toward Bella's brownstone. She was staring at me as I navigated my way through the streets of Chicago, parking on her street.

"You okay, Bella?" I asked, caressing her soft cheek. Her skin was slightly pink from the sun and warm under my fingers.

"I just love you," she murmured, capturing my hand and kissing my palm.

"I love you, too, angel," I breathed. "Come on. We're back home." Bella nodded lazily, not really making any indication that she was going to move. I leaned over, kissing her and I got out of the car. I helped her out of the passenger seat, locking the car and walking up the steps to her brownstone. Once inside, Bella walked to the couch. She threw off her dress, revealing her nearly naked body. It was off the shoulder and she did not wear a bra. Before she sat down, she kicked off her panties, lounging on the couch. One leg was propped up and the other was draped over the side. "You are a temptress, Bella."

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