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an unexpected or astonishing event, fact, or thing.
denoting a class of complex methods of change-ringing.
(of something unexpected) cause (someone) to feel mild astonishment or shock.

Tom had walked me to his office, with both of us gaining a few looks. I hated the attention, why does everyone have to stare. Is it because I'm not wearing a suit? As soon as we entered Damien's office Tom turned to me.

"I will be leaving. This is all I was responsible to do for you for the day, but if you would like anything else you can call this number". He set a piece of paper down on the desk and stepped back.

"Thanks Tom". He smiled understandingly and left silently.

I set the flowers and bag of pastries on his cherry wood desk and looked around. He had one large window behind his desk, which I found odd. Wouldn't he want it in front so he can see the view, and also so if clients came in they wouldn't be distracted. I guess not; I can't judge anyways, I know nothing about business. He had black thick curtains on either side of the window that I'm sure if I closed them it'd seem like night time in here. There was also another door in his office that led to some unknown place. It was a very spacious room, but there wasn't much in here. I wouldn't be able to tell what type of person owns this office if I didn't already know the person and connect little things. Maybe that's what he was going for.

I was getting slightly hungry, and waiting with nothing to do wasn't helping me. I wanted to eat a pastry, but I wasn't sure if I was allowed to. I wanted to call the number, but I didn't want to bother anyone.

What does he do for a living? I know he's the co-ceo or something like that, but of what? Does he like what he does? Does it involve his pack in anyway? Why did he choose to become a business man?

I found a blank sheet of printer paper and a pen and started sketching Brighton on it. His cute curly brown hair and his green/hazel eyes with his chubby young cheeks. He was a cute little boy. If I didn't end up with Damien then maybe I'd have a son of my own some day. I wanted a kid some day, but I'd never want to bring a child into this type of environment.
Damien walked in when I was about to start my second sketch, but of Sheryll. He had his hand laying on the flat of the woman's back. She's really pretty too. She had long brown hair that was in large curls and fell about mid back with big brown eyes and thick eyelashes, plus she had thin but plump lips that were covered in a dark purple lip stick. She was gorgeous. I looked down not wanting to see how beautiful she is any longer. It ruined my self esteem. He spoke to her about some project while mindlessly flirting for 15 minutes before she left. He could've at least done that in a different room. I don't want that flaunted in front of my face.

His face went back neutral as soon as the door closed. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned the first 2 buttons. He looked over at me with his signature smirk.

"I hope you enjoyed your day Jasper". The way my name rolled off of his lips made me blush. Is he always so seductive?

"It was fine, thank you for letting me get out of the house. You really didn't have to spend all that money on me though".

"I wanted to, plus I love the way it looks on you. Maybe it's more for me than you". He sat on the edge of his desk and looked into my eyes while saying that. He was being overly flirty today.

"Uhm, thank you". He quickly picked me up out of the chair and moved me to where he was sitting on the desk. He moved in-between my legs and ran his finger up my exposed chest to my bare neck. I shivered unintentionally and looked away from him. I didn't want to be jealous, but I couldn't help but remember that woman. Does he do these things to her?

He grabbed my chin and tried to look into my eyes but I kept them downcast. "What's wrong with you?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead".

"Did you always like men, or both or what?"
"No, I've always liked women. It never occurred to me to try with a man. I was never against it though. Do you think I'm a homophobe?"

"No-no! I'm just-". I sighed and slouched into my posture. "It's nothing".

"It's obviously something, and you're going to tell me". When I didn't respond he continued. "We can stay here all day, and we will until you tell me". He wasn't bluffing either. We sat there for 20 minutes before I decided my butt was starting to hurt too much.

"I didn't like the way you were touching that woman", I mumbled under my breath.

"Excuse me, I couldn't understand you". He knows damn well he understood what I said. He always does. I glared at him and sighed repeating it louder and clearer.

He furrowed his brows and sat down and leaned back into his chair. "You're telling me that we've been in silence for however long because you're jealous". He said it so normally like it was nothing, stupid even. I blushed and looked downcast sideways.

I was about to get up but he must've noticed because he came and stood between my legs placing his large hands on my hips. He rested his face in the crook of my neck and breathed in deeply. Once he was done he groaned and looked into my eyes. "There's a lot you need to learn about mates, but one thing you should know is that, as soon as you came into my life all chances of other love were ruined for me. There's very few people who can still feel something for someone else's once they find their mate. I should be the one jealous here, and I am".

"Why are you jealous?" I didn't know what I did to make him feel that way. He chuckled and nipped at my neck. He needs to stop, he's making me feel weird.

"I have this friend, his name is Jace. He's the beta of another pack, and every-time he comes down here for business he boasts about how delectable and lovely his mate is. His mate is pretty delectable and lovely". That ruined my mood a little to know he felt that way about someone else. "But as soon as I met you I automatically knew that you beat his mate by every standard possible. Now I don't want to be competitive, but I had to get back at him. So I called him up about a week ago knowing that he'd be down here for business and told him about you. I also told him he'd be able to see you. When you complained about not getting out it gave me the perfect opportunity to do this slyly. Now I didn't think it fully through though. As soon as I saw you I didn't expect to get so ... aroused, and I didn't expect Jace to get aroused either. That is when I realized that he is just like you, except that he's gone through the mate bond so it's been recessive in him, but it still can appear. He, like you, did not feel the mate bond at first. I don't know why I didn't notice this earlier about him. Anyways, this means that you and him can still feel things romantically for others. Any mate can still feel some lust for others but it's automatically blocked out for us. But for you guys, you can take it all the way. I guess I got scared and had to send you out. It was stupid of me because even if he felt something he's one of the most faithful guys I know, and any human or creature that tried to get with you wouldn't stand a chance".

I found it quite adorable that he got jealous. He's really good at hiding it. Even the big bad wolf can feel weak at times. I smiled and tried to fight my blush. "And why is that?"

He brought his lips close to my ear and let his warm breath send chills up my spine. "Because when it comes to what's mine, I don't go down without a fight".

So I guess I'm going to have to start posting it here because you guys don't read my A/N's. I feel really hurt when someone can read my story and enjoy it but can't answer a simple question on my A/N. Imagine if I asked a a/n about writing this story and no one answered, you wouldn't be reading it. I would really appreciate it if you guys would start being more social and answering a question. I know people read this story, so why can't you answer a question on my a/n? Sorry for the mini rant, actually no not sorry because I find this irritating and it's my opinion.

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