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(of a person) unable to speak, most typically because of congenital deafness.

We slept so much, through the entire day, and talked about our interests. When we woke up the next day, in separate rooms of course, I was too refreshed. I stretched and trotted around the room with a smile, it was weird even for me. I jumped on the bed until I was out of breath and decided to wait for someone to come in here. I sketched a few photos from the camera before Damien walked in.

He sat down and I slowly closed my notebook. He stared me in the eye and didn't blink. The fact that he wasn't blinking made me not want to blink but it just made me blink uncontrollably. Once I finally had it under control I asked him if there was a reason he was here. He shook his head no and continued staring. I looked down and stayed quiet while playing with my hands since I didn't know what to do.

"How are you?" He asked randomly.

"Fine", I held out not really knowing what to do.

"Cool". He nodded his head and looked around. "So do you need anything?"

"You know, I think I'm just going to go get some food."

"No!" I turned to him startled and sat back down. "I mean, let me take you out you out to eat, it's not good to always be inside". I nodded my head with an awkward smile on my face and slowly walked to the bathroom.

"I'm just gonna ... Go get ready." I sputtered pointing to the door. I hurriedly ran inside and slammed the door shut before leaning against it. What was that? I turned on the shower and let it run a little while I thought about his weird attitude. What is he doing?

I stepped inside of the shower that held two heads and all black tiles with the floor holding a stripe of white in the center. There were pot lights above me emitting a yellow light. The shower just held a sexy vibe to it, maybe because it belongs to a sexy man. The warm water ran down my back the droplets streaming down my round ass cheeks. I washed my hair and let the water hit my face as I pushed my hair back. I cleansed myself throughly and stepped out with a cloud of smoke surrounding me.

I noticed that I hadn't taken any clothes in here. I was too busy trying to escape his clutches. I peaked out of the door only to jump back in shock that Damien was standing right there. He cleared his throat and looked away. "I saw that you didn't take clothes in, so I picked some out." He shoved them into my arms and ran out of the room covering his nose. I just took a shower, I know that I don't reek. I shrugged my shoulder and went back into the bathroom to get dressed incase he came back in.

I un-fogged the mirror and stared at my reflection. The last time I'd seen my face before I came here I couldn't even grow any facial hair let along have to shave every other day. My wet dirty blond hair looked brown and my green eyes that were once so full of life only to be torn down by the cruel reality of the world looked dull. What has come of me? I looked down at my balled hands and let out a single tear, why did all of this have to happen to me? Why can't I just live the normal life I once did, the life I can barely remember. I want it back.

I slid into the my underwear, and black denim jeans with rips in the knees, a black short-sleeve v-neck shirt, with a button up long-sleeve denim shirt over it, and the mocha colored cable knit sweater with the denim shirt packing out at the ends of the sleeves and the neck. I actually really liked the way I looked in the outfit he picked out. I sprayed on a little bit of his cologne and left the bathroom after taking care of my hygiene.

He was waiting on his bed sitting really stiffly and looking at me like he was in pain. "Are you okay?" I asked politely.

"Yea. I see you didn't shave". Oh, I must've forgotten.

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