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(of a person) subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind.
of or containing the element mercury.
a drug or other compound containing mercury.

Through the blackness, my mind melted and molded it's way into another memory. This one being not so pleasant. The older kids in my pack that were training thought it'd be fun to mess with the younger wolves. I don't know why these assholes would find something so sick to be fun, but they did.
I was playing with four of the younger kids in my pack. We were all around the age of 12, except for the assholes who were 19 and idiotic. All we wanted to do was admire our older pack members; I'd always imagine that one day I'd be a warrior wolf, or a hunter. These were both very dangerous jobs due to the location of my pack. We were attacked regularly by rouges, and human hunters didn't quite understand that it's illegal to hunt wolves.
Us four were leaning against a fallen tree watching them train when their mentor went to take a break. They were supposed to continue fighting and testing their levels, but they decided they'd tamper with the little pups. Only one of us was even close to being full grown.
They strode over in their human forms with sick grins on their faces. "Would you pups like to have a taste at what hunters go through?" Everyone nodded their heads eagerly, but me. I wasn't dumb enough to entertain their sick little games.
"I think I'm going to go home guys. Mom will be wondering where I am soon". I didn't want to be involved in any trouble, I knew this wouldn't go down well.
"Is little Jasper running home to his mother". I wanted to argue back, they knew I was very temperamental. I held back though, I knew who'd win in a fight, and it wouldn't be me. I kept on my way home, but oh they didn't like that.
One of the skinnier males ran in front of me. I sighed trying to calm my aggravation. Don't let them get to you, don't let them get to you. They chuckled closing me in on all sides. "How about you play our game Japser. Mama doesn't have to know".
"Yea Jasper, play our game". They started pushing me every which way, riling up my animalistic side.
"Please stop", I growled through clenched teeth. They continued taunting me until my beast couldn't take it anymore. I snapped. I knew now that I was apart of their sick little game. I was prey, and them the hunters.
At this age my wolf was mostly shades of brown, with only a little bit of black sprinkled in there. It truly looked like good versus evil; with my lighter shade being chased by wolf shaped shadows. My heart was pounding radically, I was scared to the extreme. It's not safe for a pup to go through a panic attack. It's a terrible process.
Were-pups have less control over it than normal pups do. If we feel highly threatened we'll go into panic mode. This causes us to try to find a way to escape, a way to feel free. If this doesn't come our body can do two things. It will either shut down, putting us into a sleep like state to calm our body. Or we'll get so panicked that we'll go rabid.
I went rabid.
I couldn't control the fear and anxiety anymore. I couldn't escape them so I tried to escape myself. Once one bit the back of my leg I started gnawing at it, somehow hoping that if my leg disappeared I could get away. Once the boys realized what had happened they shifted and tried to help me, but I was too crazed. They couldn't get close unless they wanted to get bitten by a rabid pup. In hopes to save their asses they tried to run off, but the Beta was already right behind them.
The Beta luckily had enough authority to submit me out of my crazed state. I whined and whined once I was finally normal again. The pain in my hind leg was too much to bear. The Beta carried me back to the pack doctor with his teeth, I knew his mouth was probably exhausted and sore for being held open so long, but I was grateful.
The boys that caused my fear ended up with 12 beatings, and a week with nothing to eat but saltine crackers. Even though they hurt me, I still felt bad, but there was nothing I could do. For a week I couldn't walk, but I was treated like a king that week. So I guess I was fine.

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