New Cell

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unable to defend oneself or to act without help.

Starvation will kill me before they ever do. My shoulders were starting to hurt from being locked in one position for so long. I've cried so much I couldn't shed another tear; I was out of them. My stomach is cramping, and my behind itches. I've pissed on myself twice already, luckily I haven't pooped once. I felt disgusting, at least the last time I was held captive I was treated like a pampered whore. Yea it wasn't the best life at all, but I got fed, bathed, and had clean clothes on my body. I'd go back to that rather than this any day.

I know that I've been here for more than two days now, I just don't know how many exactly. Not once have they fed me or even came back down to irritate me or kill me. I was actually eager to die, this was painful. I can't even save myself. I'm useless.
Sitting in this dungeon like hole has given me time to evaluate my life; the sad part is there's not much to evaluate. 

I had parents at one point in time, but they were always on me about my life and how it should be lived, so I ran away. After that I never saw them again. I was captured and used as a sex slave. I wish I could see them again and apologize for being the stupid ignorant teen that didn't understand his parents. I wonder if they ever looked for me, or if they're okay with their lives. Maybe that's my dying wish, to see my parents at least one more time. I scoffed at my stupidity, of course I'd never see them again. I'm not that lucky, plus I can't even remember what they looked like. A lot of my memories before I was kidnapped have escaped me.

Drip,drop,drip,drop. There was a leak in the roof, probably a busted pipe or something, how should I know. All I know is that I'm captured. That's the only for sure thing that I know. I have slept more than I have in my entire life; my imagination is the only interesting thing in this room. My schedule has basically come down to: wake-up, sleep, watch the mold on the walls age, sleep, sleep, wake-up, piss if I have to, and the latest addition listen to water drip. I was bored out of my mind and sore and hungry and scared.

Another day had probably passed by the time I heard footsteps. They were loud, heavy, and several of them. I heard them pass my room; gladly I let out a sigh of content. I don't know why I was happy about that, all I know is that I may not want to die as soon as I thought I did. At least I thought they past my room ... The door handle creaked causing me to shiver in fear. Would it be those same 3 men to do the job or only one?

I still wasn't able to see many detailed features of the men because of the lack of light. There was still 3 men, but I'm pretty sure one of them is different. "Who's he?", he tallest one with a deep sultry voice asked.

"His name is Jasper", the shortest one with sandy brown hair stated.

"How long has he been here?", questioned the tallest.

"Ehhh, give or take 4 days and a half".

"Why wasn't I told of this?". His voice was calm yet held a murderous tone.

"I'm sorry sir, we forgot to tell you."

"Blind fold him and send him to my room. No questions asked", and with that he stormed off. They playfully made fun of the tallest man that was in control after he walked away.

I was very nervous when they came up to me and tied a cloth around my face, but I didn't complain knowing that I was too weak right now to do anything. "Don't fight or we'll drug you", one of the men said after they tied the blindfold on. I wasn't planning on it. He unshackled my wrists and my shoulders cracked painfully as they unlocked themselves. When I griped at the clothes on my human form I wondered who had dressed me when they first brought me here. I was painfully dragged by both of my arms I'm guessing to the tall mans room. Why does he want me there? Maybe he's going to use me as a sex slave also.

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