Sneak peak of Ease

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(of water or food) stay just below the boiling point while being heated.
a state or temperature just below the boiling point.

After our copulation in the living room I dragged Damien out to the lake. The sizzling sun was reflecting off of the water beautifully creating a shimmer effect. There were a few small fish in this lake, but due to our movement they stayed away. I looked at the grasses that weren't dying yet around us, it was all so beautiful.
"I can't believe it's so warm", I relished the feel of 80 degrees shining on my skin.
"This is supposed to be the only day that it'll be this hot before we get some serious blizzards or anything of that sort".
"I don't want that".
"I know you don't darling, but that's life". I smiled knowing that he was being so laid back right now. I loved these times. In this moment I could actually see myself spending my life with this man, but something always ruins it. C'est la vie.
Damien's muscular back was facing me as he slowly walked deeper into the lake causing the muscles to move and ripple. Knowing that he was naked underneath the water only turned me on more, but right now I just wanted to relax, so I didn't act on my reactions. His hair was wet and sticking to the sides of his head when he faced me again. He smiled brightly and started to float on his back. His soft penis was showing except for when the water occasionally moved up and covered it. He's joking right? He knows I'm already horny like 24/7 and now he wants to show this.
I groaned and turned away breathing deeply to relax my hormones. This is so irritating. I definitely don't want this right now, so why won't my body agree. This heat is killing me. I swam around a little before realizing that I couldn't stay out here much longer with my mate naked right in front of me.
Pulling myself out of the lake I grunted and walked back to the home dripping wet. My hands were in fists and my lips clenched together. I can't even relax, this is so messed up. Heat is only good in the moment you're being pleasured; when not, it's irritating. I slammed the door and went to find a towel.

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