When it Rains it Pours.

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(of a person, animal, or plant) living, not dead.
(of a person or animal) alert and active; animated.

Strapping, muscular, men, were all throughout the room while one tried to force me awake, but little did he know, I've been awake for a couple of minutes deciding on what I'd do when I ... Inform them of my presence. The man kept shaking my shoulders begging me to wake up; the better term would be repeatedly demanding me.
There weren't several ways I could wake up and stay safe. I knew that the man jolting me wasn't from my pack, so I had to act cautiously. If I calmly woke up, he could sneak me out through all the chaos without anyone noticing. Yet if I cause a scene everyone would look at me, and it would all depend on who jumps back into action quickest. The latter seemed to be the better option; I just hoped my pack would jump back quicker.
I screamed as my eyes opened to see Tanner fighting off two wolves at once. Everyone turned to me, but Tanner. It's like he's in beast mode; he slashed the mans throat in front of him and continued to the one behind him. My pack members looked to him as a role model and jumped back into the fight briskly.
Several wolves pounced back into action and enclosed Tanner. They knew to win this they had to take down the strongest, and in this case it's Tanner. It didn't look like he was going to make it. The man that was jolting me pulled the IV out of my arm. Does he realize what he's doing? I'm pretty sure I'm on this for a reason. I tried to push it back in, but my hand was trembling too greatly. I couldn't do it.
He went to grab me, but I was pissed. How stupid can one be to take someone off of their meds? I don't why I'm on them, but I know Damien wouldn't hurt me, and it's probably for my health. I picked up the alarm clock on the side table and broke it into his head with a strength I'd never possessed before. I didn't think too much into it, blaming it on my adrenaline. He knocked out falling on the ground beneath him. I hope he has a serious concussion.
I breathed deeply pushing off of the bed to help my pack. I may be weak right now, but I can't just sit and be a damsel in distress. I grabbed the lamp on my side bed and slammed it into one of the men that was fighting Tanner. I lost my balance a bit, and felt dizzy, but I continued to swing that lamp at anyone that tried to hurt my pack.
I wanted to continue fighting, but after so long my body was going to give out, and I knew that I needed to stay awake. Almost all of the wolves from the attacking pack were dead all around me, all except for one that ran off. He smelled oddly familiar.
Just looking at the bloodied bodies beneath me on the hotel floor made me feel sick. I gagged until I threw up on the side of the chair I was currently occupying. It smelt and looked terrible in here. There's just so many bodies. How will we hide them? We can't keep them here, it'll look like a massacre. I mean ... It is, but we can't have that on our hands.
As I was arranging the clean up plan Tanner called to me through a dry throat. I quickly dropped to my knees right by him, and asked him what he needed. He handed me his cellphone leaving me confused. I put it to my ear to hear Damien on the other line. I sighed in relief to hear my mates voice.
"Jasper, Jasper are you there?!" He sounded nervous, like he was panicking. Why is he panicking? I should be the one panicking, not him.
"Yes, but so many people are dead Damien". Tears were falling down my face, but I was doing everything in my power to hold them back and be strong. I had to be strong for all of my dead pack mates around me. If I don't stay strong I won't keep pushing forward and then they died in vain.
"I know baby, but it'll be okay, there's people on the way for you". I pressed my lips together frowning, and breathing deeply from my nose, with my brows furrowed, and my face contorted into one of stifled sorrow. My nose tingled with the warning of more tears.
"I'm scared Damien". My voice quivered, and I knew that he had to know that I was in pain. This is a lot to bear alone. I'm all alone right now. No ones here to comfort me, I need someone to hold me. I need someone to take some of my pain. It's all too heavy weighing down on my chest.
"It's okay baby, you'll be safe soon". I cried letting him hear my sobs. I couldn't hold back any more. It hurt, this hurt. These people I'm sitting on the floor with fought to save me. They lost their life's because of me. I just don't understand. I'm surrounded my several dead people, and I can't understand why they fought to save me.
Tanner closed his eyes and mine widened, no- no he's not dead too. Brighton needs his father, Brighton will not be without a parent. Sheryl will not be widowed. I won't let him die, I actually know him, I would share their pain, I would know their ache. He can't die too. When he let out a deep breath I knew that he was just passed out, probably from blood loss, and exhaustion. My rapid heart calmed its beating with knowing that he'd be okay; maybe I should check and see if some of the others are just passed out.
"Yes, baby?"
"I-". I couldn't say it, but I need him to know. I don't know if others may be coming before I can get to safety, I just may die too, and he needs to know. I don't know why, but I couldn't say those three meaningful words over the phone. I didn't want to admit it, but I knew, I knew that if I said them over the phone I'd be accepting defeat, and I'm still pushing forward. I haven't given up yet.
"Are you still there? Jasper?"
"Hm? Oh, yes. I just wanted to say". What do I want to say? What can I say? I paused really thinking this through. I love this man, but I can't tell him, so what do I tell him? "I really do care about you Damien, and- and I really do miss you". I heard him sigh into the other line; it also sounded like he was laughing and crying at the same time. "You okay Damien?"
"Yes baby, I am. I love you too, and I'll see you when you get back". He knew. I can't believe he actually knew. I'm glad he understood what I was trying to say.
I smiled beneath my waterfalls. "See you".
"I have to go now -"
"What? No, no, Damien-" he can't say that, he can't just leave. Once he hangs up, I'm truly alone. He can't just leave me.
"Shhhh, shhhhh baby. It's going to be okay, you're going to be okay. I have to go, but I will see you soon. Okay?"
"Okay", I whispered through a nervous, tear stained voice. It's okay, I'll be okay. The line ended.

Captured (BoyxBoy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें