Chapter One

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"Remember class, your Technology projects are due tomorrow, and no excuses," our lecturer Mr Simon called out.

The students found him weird and too strict, except for me - I was the least who cared.

As long as they didn't mess around with my grades, there was absolutely no reason for me to hate them.

I was never the type who got into trouble with any of my lecturers, and I plan on keeping it that way until I graduate 7 months from now.

"No projects, No grades," he firmly finished.

Everyone in the class groaned out as I rolled my eyes. I finished my project two weeks ago, being the nerd I am.
That's the name I was given by the other students for being too stuck up, serious, and boring.

"Groan all you want, my expectations for you are high, and if you choose not to submit your projects, that just makes my work a whole lot easier."

Mr Simon was the only lecturer who didn't feel sorry for anyone, nor did he care if you did his work or not.

Ha! Lucky me, eh?

I was the University's biggest nerd, and despite all the years I've been here, no one tried to pick on me.

All I got were weird stares, whispers, and rumors, of which I completely ignored them.

I didn't care what anyone thought of me, just as long as they didn't come up in my face. I may appear as a nerd, but I sure as hell didn't lack the skills to fight.

He was about to say something when the bell rang, signaling the lunch period.

Finally, I can get out of here and do something more constructive than listening to my mates' mumbles, grumbles, and complaints, I thought, getting up and heading for my locker.

They annoyed me a lot indirectly.

You couldn't avoid them wherever you went. What a world.

Stuffing my books neatly into my locker and collecting the books I'll need for my next lecture, I closed it and proceeded in the direction of the cafeteria.

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, the cafeteria food was trash because of the cooks. They just cooked and handled the food like they were feeding a set of animals.

Tuesdays and Thursdays were the only days I ate in the cafeteria. The cooks on these days were very friendly and fed you like their own.

Well, it's what I gathered based on my own opinion, but then again, what does it matter. It was one of those 'not my favorite cafeteria days'.

I made my way over to an empty table, far away from the contact of other students. I wasn't antisocial, but I couldn't stand being around people for too long, especially when they behave as though you didn't exist.

There was not a single day that this place wasn't as busy as the market square on the weekends, and they're supposed to be young adults?

All you heard was shouting, coming from every direction... oh, come on, it's very annoying when you're not a part of it.

The noise wasn't as loud in this corner as if you were close by.

Taking out my chicken sandwich and juice, I began feasting on the tasty treat, burying my head into a book.

Ten minutes later, I was finished eating and resumed reading when I was rudely interrupted. What gives mawnn. Can't a girl enjoy her peace?

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