Lawrence Limburger X Reader

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🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶: OOC, Interspecies Relationship, Crushes, Human!Reader, Xenophilia, Cringe, Female!Reader, Simping, Fish X Reader, Bestiality, Fluff, No Smut, Thicc!Reader, Cursing|Cussing|Swearing (Light), 🆃🅷🅴🅼🅴: Crushing for a Human

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🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶: OOC, Interspecies Relationship, Crushes, Human!Reader, Xenophilia, Cringe, Female!Reader, Simping, Fish X Reader, Bestiality, Fluff, No Smut, Thicc!Reader, Cursing|Cussing|Swearing (Light), 
🆃🅷🅴🅼🅴: Crushing for a Human.
🅵🅰🅽🅳🅾🅼: Biker Mice from Mars (1993)/(2006)

[1]"Mr. Limburger." Said male's head shot up, spotting the door crack open a small bit. The anthropomorphic fish quickly sprayed frebreeze in random directions, tossing the half empty can into the desk drawer and in one swift movement pulled his human mask on. Limburger watched you push the door the rest of the way open using your rear, a sight the man liked. "I have those reports from Karbunkle." You spoke behind a stack of papers, your face being covered up by this large stack. Limburger cringed at the sight.

More paperwork...

Probably requirements for the lab repairs. This had to be the umpteenth time those rodents had destroyed his beloved tower. The sound of your heels clicking against the tile floor brought Limburger out if his reverie, your ankles wibbled and wobbled, not used to wearing shoes like these.

Especially for long periods of time.

You set the papers down upon the nicely cleaned desk, your breast pressing against the stack. Limburger also liked how your chest seemed to be popping through the partial opening, you unbutton it earlier due to the humidity.

This heatwave seemed like it was never going to end!

"Ah yes... Thank you, [NAME]. I just can't wait-" His eyes roamed over the what appeared to be a massive tower of papers. "To dig in. Ehhh..." You watch your boss run his four fingered hand down his tan face in annoyance, you felt bad to just up and dropped a load of stress on the Big Cheese.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Limburger. I would've left it with your secretary, but she still hasn't returned." You took a step back, "I should get back to Karbunkle, Sir." Limburger pulled the first piece of parchment down before him, pen in hand. Limburger's eyes followed the sway of your hips, the tight pencil skirt clinging the to the curves so well. The humanoid fish nibbled on the tip of the pen and rested his cheek in his free hand, he quite liked the sight, even as it made its leave. Limburger kind of hoped you didn't leave to fast, but you shouldn't keep the mad scientist waiting. Karbunkle might punish you for taking to long, the idea seeing your pretty face ruin and morphed into something horrifying, upsetting the man.


You made your way through the ever expanding hallways, wiping the sweat from your forehead.

"Damn it's hot today." You mumbled to yourself, "I can't wait until this whole thing passes." You groaned from the intensity of the heat. On your way back, you took notice of two figures walking your way. A tallish lanky one and a much bigger, taller one at that.

One you knew as your brother.

"What are you still wondering out here for!" Came the ratty voice you know so well, Dr. Karbunkle. You couldn't help but to roll your [EYE COLOR] eyes, the man maybe smart (at times) but he was still hell-la annoying to listen to!

"Just got done making a delivery to the Head Hunch-o, himself." The two men before you had stopped, but you didn't bother slowing down and ended up walking passed them. But did come to a stop a few feet away, "Don't yell at me now." You spoke in your best innocent voice, "You'll make me cry and big brother won't like that!" Your [EYE COLOR] eyes glanced at the big greasy man's way, a look of confusion on his big mug. Dr. Karbunckle not liking what you were implying, you always pulled something like this whenever you could.

The mad scientist hated it!

"Right Big Bro?" You inquired of the hulking lug of a man, "You wouldn't let no one hurt me?" You batted your eyelashes innocently towards your greasy brother who in turn nodded his head.

"Of course! Big brother always got lil' [NAME]'s back! No one will ever touch ya!" You smiled at this while glancing Karbunckle's way. He scuffed at this and mumbled something about,

'Not having anytime for stupidity.' Or something of the sort. The lanky man turned on heel and left without another word, you felt like you've won a battle.

"Bye big bro!" Greasepit waved you goodbye as he too had to follow after that mumbling buffoon.

"Bye-Bye [NAME]! See you later!" You kept on waving until you couldn't see the two anymore, you sighed in relief. Dread secretly filled your being, knowing that crazed man will do something to you later for upsetting him. Best to avoid at all cost for a good couple of months!

Cliff Hanger....

*Image found on Google.

[1]-Indents don't show.

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