Dark Danny X Reader

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🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶: Older Male/Younger Female, OOC, Reader Insert, Female!Reader, Dark Danny, Some Plot🆃🅷🅴🅼🅴: A Monster from the Future🅵🅰🅽🅳🅾🅼: Danny Phantom

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🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶: Older Male/Younger Female, OOC, Reader Insert, Female!Reader, Dark Danny, Some Plot
🆃🅷🅴🅼🅴: A Monster from the Future
🅵🅰🅽🅳🅾🅼: Danny Phantom

[1]"Hey [NAME]!" Came the all familiar voice of Danny, you whipped around. Long hair flying within the air, you really need to get it cut before it got to long. Can't keep hitting yourself in your own face. Danny approached you with a smile, you were never one to greet someone. He wanted something, someone always does. You doubted he actually wanted to talk to you.

"Is there something you need?" You asked,

"I thought we could do a study sesh at my house." Your [EYE COLOR] eyes narrowed, you don't believe what he says.

"We both know we don't have the best of grades." You pointed out in annoyance,

"I know. But maybe you know something that I have no clue about and I might know something you don't." A brow shot up upon your un-amused[2] face,

"I don't see the point. Shouldn't you be with your emo girlfriend right now?" You made a shooing motion with your hand, hoping he'll get the clue to leave.

"Sam is not my girlfriend!" Danny quickly responded with, this made your eyes roll.

"Riiight." You started off, "And I'm the crazed Box Ghost." You couldn't help notice how the teen cringed at that. If only you knew about the countless times Danny fought that annoying pest. He shouldn't think that, the Box Ghost was basically fighting with a cousin. Just really annoying at times. "Okay, well, I'll be leaving now." You quickly left the scene, you didn't like how Danny appeared to be thinking about his next thought and you really didn't want to be around that boy any longer then needed.


"Stupid High School boys." You muttered under your breath. "Can't even trust those stuck up girls either." Kicking a nearby can, hearing it 'Clink' as it bounced out of your way.

When will people learn you don't want to be around others!

You don't want to speak to others!

"I wish I was dead." You said to nobody in particular, "Maybe then I don't have to interact with..." You had to force yourself to spit out the next word as if it were burning lava. "Humans." You felt sick even saying the word, "Living is torture." You may have acted like a weird little Goth or Emo or whatever they freaking use now-a-days. But you refused to be grouped into those stupid clicks. Everyone just simply knew you as the 'Loner Girl' or something. You hated those alone people too, so full of themselves. You shook your head upon receiving the sudden image of Danny in your mind, the thought of what he actually wanted never left you.

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