Mortimer Handee X Reader PT.3

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🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶: OOC, Reader Insert, Female!Reader, Xenophilia, One Sided Love, Possessive/Obsession, Puppet/Human Relationship🆃🅷🅴🅼🅴: Bride of Mortimer🅵🅰🅽🅳🅾🅼: Hello Puppets🅿🆁🅾🅼🅿🆃/🅿🅻🅾🆃 🅱🆈: Burntuakrisp (DeviantArt)🅲🅷🅰🅿🆃🅴...

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🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶: OOC, Reader Insert, Female!Reader, Xenophilia, One Sided Love, Possessive/Obsession, Puppet/Human Relationship
🆃🅷🅴🅼🅴: Bride of Mortimer
🅵🅰🅽🅳🅾🅼: Hello Puppets
🅿🆁🅾🅼🅿🆃/🅿🅻🅾🆃 🅱🆈: Burntuakrisp (DeviantArt)

[1]Your eyes bolted open, [EYE COLOR] orbs darting all around. The panic ever present as confusion settled within your mind.

Where are you?!

This isn't the fair!

You stood within a dirty parking lot, some cars here and there and then there was this building before you. A warehouse it appeared to be, a rusty looking thing. Taking a step back in fear,

"Dad! Julie!" You spun around, hoping to see your family. There had been no one else but you, the fear growing stronger the more you panicked. You backed up into a dingy old car, you jumped in freight as you whirled around to see your own reflection staring back at you.

Hair greying with strands of white instead of luscious [HAIR COLOR] locks, your young flesh covered in wrinkles.

You look like the Crypt Keeper!

Your racing heart begun to slow when the cloud lifted from your jumbled mind, realization and clear thoughts bringing you back into the present. You can't believe you just had another episode at a time like this!

Someone could've mugged you while you were experiencing an Alzheimer's moment, luckily you were still in one piece with everything intact. Looking back to the building, seeing the sign worn and feasted upon by rust. It's been a few decades since that horrible event happened- Since you lost your favorite job and friends who've perished within that fire.

Shaking your head, you shouldn't be thinking about those who were lost. The reason you came all this way, you've heard rumors of the homeless disappearing around this area. You don't know who started this silly rumor but you came to put this to an end, there had to been a logical reason. Because no one "disappears" for a reason and maybe a young part of yourself wanted to do one last adventurous thing before you kick the bucket.

Walking up to a set of double doors, you inspected the lock, jiggling and turning the knobs- Locked but could possibly be breakable with a crowbar. You even rounded the warehouse, trying every door and window you spotted and being very surprised how tightly locked they were.

Why would someone keep up maintenance with this but not the main set?

You thought about breaking a window but you were to old and most likely break your fragile wrist... And you certainly didn't want to get in trouble with the law. You're nothing like that extreme granny from Hood Winked, you're that sweet old one with a dirty mind. (A broken mind that is.) When you made it to the front, you briefly starred in thought, there could be a hidden key somewhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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