Welcome to the class!

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Sofia, Amber, Clio, Maya, Lakshmi and Miss Flora were ice dancing on one side of the rink, while the hockey team were practicing on the other side of the rink.

"Lovely enchanted ice dancing girls" said miss Flora "Impressive work for our very first lesson".

"Thanks but I'm not getting a hang of the flips" Sofia said "or spins or... whoa.

"Sorry about that" James said as he collected the puck.

"James?!" Amber said "we told you this side of the rink is for ice dancing practice... that side is for hockey practice",

"sorry Amber" James said "we're not used to sharing the rink either".

"hey James, we can' tokay without a puck", Hugo said.

"coming!" James said as he ran towards the other side of the rink.

"Okay then, let's learn a new move, the star gazer spin" Miss Flora said, she showed it to them and said, "now, you try".

Amber and Maya tried and they got it, Sofia tried it but she slipped and narrowly escaped a fall. Hugo was staring at them when Derek tried to steal the puck, "sorry Hugo" he said.

"hey!" Hugo exclaimed. "you snooze you loose" Derek said.

"I never loose" Hugo said as he steals it back and shoots the puck, "take that.... score!".

"Whoa nice shot Hugo", James said. Hugo kept on staring at the ice dancers.

Meanwhile, at the other side of the rink, Sofia was struggling to keep up with the other ice dancers. "Okay, let's try this again" Sofia said, she tried the the star gazer spin again and slipped, "whoa...." ,

"hey sofia" Derek said, "this is our side of the rink". Sofia slid right into the goal post.

"You okay Sofia?" Hugo asked,

" Yeah" she said, " that's a really hard move".

"Look on the bright side, if you were a hockey puck you could have scored" James said but he immediately shut up when Sofia gave him a serious look.

"Miss Flora, I don't think this rink sharing idea is gonna work after all" Sir Henley said.

"You are right Sir Henley, I'll find a new place for the ice dancing class" Miss Flora said.

"You can have the ice for the rest  of the day, I'll take the boys for a run, work today, win tomorrow as we say, come along boys" Sir Henley said. The hockey team groaned as they left with Sir Henley.

"Okay girls, now let's work on our fireball flips" Miss Flora said, once again Amber and Maya tried it and got it perfectly, Sofia tried it but she fell and Hugo caught her. "Hugo?!" Sofia exclaimed "shouldn't you be with the hockey team?".

"Shouldn't you be able to ice dance" Hugo said as he brought her down.

Sofia frowned. "Sorry... I'll go in a minute, those flips look really fun" Hugo said.
"They are" Sofia said, "even when you are not doing it right, do you wanna join the class?".

"No way, I don't know any boys who ice dance" Hugo rejected. "That's because enchanted ice dancing is too hard for boys" Amber said "You'll probably just fall flat on your face".

"Ha!, not a chance" Hugo said, I'm the best skater on the hockey team" he bragged.

"Then it will be easy for you" Sofia said. "Okay fine, I'll try it" Hugo said.

"Miss Flora" Sofia started "can you give Hugo a pair of enchanted skates?",
"Absolutely" Miss Flora said. She got Hugo a pair of enchanted ice skates, then he started skating, "so how do these things work, would you just jump... whoa", the magic from the enchanted skates lifted him up into the air.
"Try a flip" Sofia said.
"Oh Sofia, he won't be able to do a flip, he's just starting now" Amber said.

"Uh..., Amber, look up" Clio said pointing at Hugo. He did a triple fireball flip.

"That's a triple fireball flip" Miss Flora exclaimed "I've never seen a student do that before".
"Hugo is incredible!" Amber said.

"That was awesome!" Hugo said. "I think you should join our class, Hugo" Sofia suggested.

"I can't" Hugo said, "ice dancing isn't for boys".
Sofia frowned and said "It's for anyone who wants to do it".
"But there are no boys in the class" Hugo said. Sofia gave a look that sent a message to Hugo because they already knew each other a lot. 'here we go again', he thought... 'Oh come on, not the speech'.

"You know Hugo, there were no girls on the flying derby team until I joined" Sofia started, "but I loved it so much, I did it anyway... So you will be the only boy in the class, if you really like ice dancing, why not take the lead...( I'm sorry I am too lazy to type the song {+-+}). 

"Alright  I'm in" Hugo said. "Welcome to the class" Sofia said and smiled at him

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