Chapter Seventeen

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Hello everyone! I've been good this time, less then 48 hours between this update and the last! :)

I know the girl in the gif is Lux but I had to use it, she's the perfect age in that gif to match this chapter. Imagine her with curls though, you'll see what I mean. ;)

I hope this chapter turned out as nice as I was aiming for. Please, comment and tell me, okay? Okay, thank you!! :)

Enjoy the chapter ♥

The morning after my trip to the police station, I walk into the main hall alone. Harry had already been gone when I woke up this morning, and his bed was as fluffed up and neatly folded as both of our beds where last night. I have got to say, it's a really nice feeling to get into a made bed after an exhausting day, but I'm way too lazy to actually do it myself.

The others are sitting at the table today, we are having oranges and cereal, apparantly.

"Wow, guys! You've outdone yourselves yesterday with the shopping, ey?" I say to Zayn and Carlos as I sit down at the table next to them, "Oranges, seriously?"

I take one excitedly and turn it in my hand.

Carlos smirks. "We hoped you'd stay in jail for longer," he says, "So we thought, why not get something nice for once."

"Very funny, Carlos," I laugh, looking around for a knife to peel my orange, "One day you might even reach my level of hilariousness, but probably not." I can't find a knife.

From the corner of my eye, I see a knife moving across the table, and I look up. Harry is sitting across from me, carefully sliding his knife over to me. I didn't even realize he was there.

I take the knife from him and am about to thank him when I see the way he looks at me, his expression is worried and serious. What is he worried about?

Before I can think about it more or even ask him, Perrie sits down next to me. She has Linda on her lap again and immediately starts filling up some cereals in a bowl for her.

"Morning guys," she sighs, looking somewhat exhausted even though the day has just begun, "What a day yesterday, huh? Zayn told me you got arrested, Louis?"

"Yeah, but it's nothing," I shrug, "Only thing that sucks is that they know me now, but don't worry."

"Why did they even arrest you?" she wonders, pooring milk into her own bowl of cereal.

"Didn't Zayn tell you?" I say in confusion.

Suddenly Linda throws away her spoon, sprinkles of milk splashing everywhere. She jumps down from Perrie's lap and walks around the table.

"He was super tired last night," Perrie says, slightly puzzled by Linda's actions, "he fell asleep on my stomach. This morning, I woke up with his drool all over."

Meanwhile, Linda has reached her destination and stops next to Harry. "Who are you?" she asks bluntly.

Harry looks somewhat surprised, but smiles at her with warm eyes. "Um, I'm Harry," he says and waits for her to says something else.

"What's your name?" he asks after a pause.

At that, Linda giggles shyly and runs back to the other side of the table again, instead of answering.

Nobody except for me seems to have noticed this little interaction, but I am kind of glad not having to share it with the others. I can't help but smile about the cuteness of the situation.

"Don't need to know all the details, Perrie," Niall grimaces when I focus back on the conversation.

Zayn laughs, raising his palm to high five his girlfriend.

Waifs and Strays [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now