Chapter Forty-Two

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BUT GUYS I'm so happy right now!

So, I know it's been like two weeks but therefore I've been writing twice the amount and it was beautiful and thrilling and I can't wait to share it with you and see what you guys think *-*

So yeah, the chapter that I've been writing on got longer and longer and ended up being more than twice as long as my usual so I decided to split it in half.

Oh and a bit over a week ago, it was this story's first birthday :) This is incredible, thank you for everyone who has been reading any part in the past year, I'm so amazed by you guys and by how far this story has come. I've been writing since I was a kid and I never finished any of my stories, non of them got as far as this one, I'm a bit proud eeek. So thank you again for reading and commenting and voting and making me feel appreciated by your responses :) love you guys!!

But let's just enjoy the chapter (I really hope you do).


He made it. I can't believe that he is actually still alive. Last night, I was so sure that I'd killed him. I felt so guilty and helpless, I was so worried. He was in such a terrifyingly bad state when I lay down beside him. I cuddled up to him to feel his warmth for as long as I still had the time. When he took my hand and I knew that he'd woken up, my heart jumped so hard, it physically hurt. But I didn't mind the pain. He was all I could think about.

In the morning, when I told the other four boys that Harry is still alive, they were just as amazed as I was. They started jumping around in relief, joyously screaming at the tent that Harry was still resting in. Before I went back inside to bring Harry some soup, I told the others that Harry and I would take the day off, so he could relax and regain his strenght.

I brought him to a nearby creek that runs through the forrest at a slow pace, glistening in the sun. We found a spot where the forrest doesn't quite reach the edges of the water, giving space for a beautiful glade with gras and flowers. We've been lying here all morning, waiting for the water to be warmed up by the sun. When the water isn't as freezing anymore, I want Harry to have a chance to wash himself after this awful night. I even brought soap.

While we were waiting, I told Harry about everything that happened while he was unconscious (of course leaving out the part where I was crying pathetically at his side. But I think he knows about that anyway). Harry was shocked about the Grey Skin's suicide. He said that he needs to be burried properly, that it's the right thing to do. Acting respectful. I'm not too sure about that, though.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. He is lying on his towel, next to me. He is on his back, his head resting on one arm, while the other palm lies flat on his chest. His long legs are stretched out across the towel, and he is squinting his eyes a little because the sun is shining right at him. The thing that throws me off about this picture is that he is only wearing his bathing trunks. They're bright yellow. And short. Really short. That's why I turned around to lie on my stomach, long ago. My chin is resting on my crossed arms in front of me to make it easier to not gawk at Harry's trunks the whole time.

When I don't answer immediately, he lifts his hand from his chest to touch my arm lightly. I raise my head from my arms, prop myself up on my elbows and take his hand in mine before he can pull it away. He is wearing two rings on his fingers. One one his middle finger, one on his index finger. I start playing with the big golden one and find myself smiling.

"I'm thinking about what a genuinely good person you are," I finally say, "And how incredible it is that you're still alive. I was so lucky that the bottle of liquid that I gave to you was the antidote after all. I didn't think I'd ever see your smile again."

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