Chapter Forty-Five

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Okay, so I guess you'll have to get used to longer chapters. I wrote a really long one again and I have no idea how to split it and frankly I don't care :D

I'm sorry that this has taken me so long, but I've really been struggling with this chapter. I've started writing it the day after I updated last time, but I just couldn't make it work. I never liked what I came up with, wrote like 100 words per sitting and then hated it again. I finally made it, though, thanks to some awesome advise (Jen and Furkan :) ). Btw check out Jen's book(s), she's an awesome writer! @Jarry96

I really hope you like this chapter now because I didn't like it myself for weeks. Enjoy :)


Some things just happen, without any warning signs. You don't get to prepare, you don't know where it came from, taking you completely off-guard. That's just how I feel when, out of the blue, Evan brings up a topic over dinner (a wild turkey that Peter proudly brought back from the hunt today) that was entirely unexpected.

"Louis?" he looks up to me, "Can we, please, make Harry part of our gang? He's so nice and... I don't want him to leave."

My head snaps up to look at Harry who is nibbling on a turkey leg with a man-bun keeping his hair out of his face. I desperately try to evaluate his reaction. He doesn't move an inch, his face looks emotionless, almost as if he didn't hear. Why did Evan have to ask this question out of literally nowhere? Doesn't he get that it's not a very wise topic to address while Harry is around?

I don't really know how to respond. I feel so guilty. I feel more and more guilty every day. I don't know how long I can still keep this up and at the same time, I don't know how long we will still have to keep him with us against his will. You don't even want him to leave, Louis, a voice in my head tells me, you know that if you'd let him, he'd be gone in a minute, never looking back. But you don't want that, do you? You like having him around. You wouldn't even let him go if the time came.

I shake my head to myself. No. I would. I would let him go. This is just the guilt speaking. At least, I hope.

"Evan," I finally say in a quiet voice, "He-Harry doesn't need to stay with us. He has a family that loves him. He doesn't need a gang."

"But maybe we need him," Evan protests.

I shake my head again. "That's not our decision, pal," I say without looking at Harry who is now following the conversation, too. I don't dare to check for his reactions. "Wouldn't you rather go home to your family if you had the chance?"

"Yeah, but-"

"No. Evan," I say and try to stay neutral, "We won't keep him longer than we need to."

Evan almost looks upset. "But when will that-"

"Evan," Harry speaks up, to my surprise even smiling at the boy, "Don't worry. You'll be fine... let's- just not talk about it until then, okay?" I involuntarily frown at him. Something tells me, he just said this to end the topic. I don't blame him. In fact, I'd be just as relieved if we changed the topic right about now. I don't know when we will have to let Harry go. Niall will tell us as soon as the police has shelved Harry's case.

"I'm going to bed!" I announce before anyone can continue with the topic or start one that's even worse. I am really tired, so the decision of going to bed might not even be a bad one.

When I get up, I realize in horror that Harry is getting up with me. He wants to have a word with me about it in private. And it's not going to be a light-hearted conversation.

"I'll go, too," he says without looking my way. He so wants to pick a bone. He looks mad, or maybe determined.

I clear my throat and turn around quickly, not waiting for Harry to catch up when I rush to our tent. I slip inside and, all of a sudden, don't know what to do with myself. I know Harry will join me any second. What am I supposed to do? Take off my clothes? Go straight to bed? Chat with him a little about koala bears? Pretend like I don't feel guilty for keeping him captive?

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