Chapter Twenty-One

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Oh god, finally an update! I'm so sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long, but now I'm back. :)

This chapter starts off a few minutes in time before chapter 20, so don't get confused. ;)


Liam's POV

"Hey Niall, don't forget your bag on the truck bed," I yell over to the blonde lad who already ran off in the direction of our cave, probably already on his pursue to find something to eat. "I'm not going to carry it for you, lazy ass."

Niall turns around spurts past me to get his bag and catches up with me in no time to walk next to me.

"What? Are you scared someone might find my uniform and think that the police can't afford their own places in the city anymore, and has to live like cavemen?" Niall jokes a little pumped out from the sprint.

We always change out of our uniforms before we make our way home so nobody gets suspicious when they see a couple of policemen driving into the woods to the same place every night. Our co-workers think, Niall and I live in an apartment building in the city. We're supposed to be neighbors and have known eachother since first grade.

"They'd have to find our cave out here first, we don't keep our cars a good while away from the entry for no reason, Payno," Niall bumps into me slightly.

"I'm just trying to be careful, okay?" I tell him, "Now that we have an upper class captive, we need to be extra sure not to be exposed."

"Chill, bro," Niall laughs and pads my shoulder, "They don't even suspect us. They think you have a wifey and two little boys, remember?"

Oh yeah, I remember, Niall thought it was funny to embellish our little life story when he started his internship.

"Willy and sweet little Dick Payne," Niall snickers, putting his arm over my shoulders jokingly.

I push him away with a frown. "Yeah, and don't forget my wife's name Anissa, but I just call her Anis," I grumble.

"What?" Niall laughs innocently, stretching the word, "Why would you call her Anis, Liam? That doesn't make sense. Her name is Danielle, remember?"

I sigh. "You know I haven't seen that girl in years now," I mumble when we enter the cave.

"Oh, I know," Niall rolls his eyes, "And still, I can here you sobbing her name at night through the cave walls."

"Not true, wanker," I call and push Niall away again.

"Maybe," Niall admits, "But you are still moping over her."

"Shut up," I snarl when I can't come up with a better comeback. "Worry about your own relationship."

"I don't have a relationship," Niall shrugs, "Nothing to worry about."

"That so?" I say and lower my voice, since we're already in earshot of the others that are sitting around the camp fire, having dinner, "I'm pretty sure Bethany thinks the two of you are already on your way down the aisle."

"Oh pssh, Beth knows we're just messing around," Niall laughs.

"You sure? You might wanna tell her about that, too," I murmur in his ear when I see Bethany waving Niall over with a beaming smile.

Niall ignores her. "Man, you don't believe how nice it is to finally be able to take our shifts together again," he says to nobody in particular as he sits down next to Louis. Somehow he already has a bowl of stew in his hands. How does he do it?

Waifs and Strays [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now