♛ Uh-Oh

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The air was suddenly rent by the sound of breaking glass. Other than a gunshot, nothing got Doyoung's attention sooner or heart accelerating faster. He sat down on his bed, trying to process what had happened. As Doyoung got up, Eun's brief scream is all it takes for this action to be carried out ten times faster.

The red-haired male slammed against his door in his rush, shaking his head before running out of the room, worried immensely for the younger. As he got to the area of the accident - the kitchen - he lets out a sigh of relief when he sees Eun - unscathed.

"What happened?" Doyoung questioned, walking further and seeing shards of red glass all over the kitchen floor. "Are you hurt?" He asked, observing Eun's bare feet and exposed legs to see if she was hurt.

"I'm fine," she responded, biting back a smile. "I scared you, didn't I? I'm sorry."

"No, no," the older denied her words, not wanting her to feel guilty. "I am not scared. I just calmly got up and came to see what happened, as any man should."

Eun's smile widened at the last few words, as if she had an inside joke. "Dobi, you are in your boxers." She scanned the boy, clutching her stomach as she laughed.

"Oh, shit."


"Let's have a movie night, hm?" Doyoung proposed, bored as they weren't doing anything.

"It's Sunday, go out and have fun," Eun muttered, disheartened because Doyoung hadn't once gone to see their friends after she hid out in his apartment.

"Who are you? My mum?"

"No, but I'm a friend who is concerned about your lack of social skills."

Doyoung scoffed, offended by Eun's words. "I have a great social life. Thank you for your concern, Ma'am." He grabbed a variety of snacks and joined Eun on the couch.

"Bruh, I'm the only girl you talk to. You can't maintain eye contact, let alone have a conversation with any girl," Eun stated, trying to make a point.

"I talk to Haneul, excuse me." The boy tried to argue, but Eun had her facts all laid out.

"You don't look at her when you talk. And your conversations are basically just you greeting each other and saying goodbyes," Eun explained the observation she made. "What the hell, Doyoung? Are you trying to prove me wrong?" She laughed.

"Well, I need not talk to girls, Chayoungie. I'm alright."

"Why? Are you gay too?" Eun covered up her expressions with a forced smile, her own joke hitting too close to home.

"No," Doyoung paused, scooting closer to Eun on the couch. "Why should I bother when I have the real deal right next to me?" He kept his arm around Eun's shoulder, smiling to himself when the girl burst into laughter.


Doyoung's current view was alternating between looking at his phone and the front door while a movie played quietly on the television. After two weeks, Eun had finally gone out to meet up with Hyunsuk and her other friends - a result of Doyoung's constant bickering being listened to.

He opted to stay in, but had given Eun a set of instructions before she left to hang out with her friends. Doyoung had put his number on the speed dial and made sure Eun's phone had enough credit to call him if she ever felt uncomfortable and needed to come back home.

He also requested Eun to send him text messages every hour - if she didn't object - and somehow, the girl agreed to it and sent lengthy messages every hour, to which Doyoung replied with emoticons because he didn't want to distract her.

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