★ I Hate Soju

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Dear diary,

Soju is shit. Doyoung is shit for giving me soju. I hate soju.

My head hurts too. So, so much. Fucking Kim Doyoung.

I somehow ended up in Jihoon's bed before Hyunsuk carried me back home. He said that Jihoon took me to his room since he didn't know the passcode to our house.

I was carried bridal style too! Was I heavy? Did I say something stupid? Did I confess to Jihoon in my tired state?

Doyoung, fuck you! I don't know what I said!

Well, considering Jihoon still talks to me, maybe I said nothing. Maybe I just slept the whole time. God, I hope it's true.

Did he tell me anything? Why can't I remember anything? What if he told me something?

Shit. I fucking hate soju. And Doyoung.

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