♛ Selfish

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Kim Doyoung and Cha Eun sat on the sidewalk right outside the mart, sipping on their soft drinks. The boy kept patting the younger's back as she kept crying, not knowing what was wrong.

Eun kept the can on the pavement, taking deep breaths and wiping her tears away. "Doyoung ..."

"Yes." Doyoung immediately kept his drink aside, turning to face Eun. "Tell me, Chayoungie. What's wrong?"

"Jihoon is gay."

Doyoung's eyes widened, wondering how the younger got to know the information. "Who told you?"

"Haneul." Eun wiped away another tear before looking at Doyoung. "You knew, didn't you? This is the thing you wanted to tell me that day at the bar, huh?" She questioned, whimpering.

The older nodded, not wanting to deny any of her accusations since they were all true. He scooted closer, pulling Eun into a hug, content when she didn't push him away.

"You don't hate me?" Doyoung asked.

Eun shook her head, more tears falling down her face. "I don't hate you," she paused, furiously wiping away her tears. "I hate myself. I hate myself the most."

"Chayoungie ..." Doyoung trailed off, feeling guilty for hiding the secret from Eun. "It's not your fault you liked Jihoon. You didn't know he–"

"No! Not Jihoon!" Eun whined, slapping her hands on her knees. "Hyunsuk ... I hate myself because of Hyunsuk."


"I was too selfish." Eun started crying again, this time not bothering to wipe her tears away. "I only thought about myself and my crush, that I could not consider my best friend's feelings. I am a selfish bitch, Dobi, I don't deserve friends."

"No, Chayoungie, please don't tell shit like this."

"Then why?" Eun cried, holding Doyoung by his shirt collar. "Why didn't Hyunsuk tell me he was dating Jihoon? Why did he pretend to be straight? Why didn't he bother telling me, his best friend, hm? Tell me, Doyoung. Tell me!" She kept hitting Doyoung, and he let her do so. If it helped her and stopped her tears, he didn't mind.

Doyoung held Eun as she cried, feeling bad for the younger. When the crying finally stopped, he offered to drop her home, only for it to be rejected.

"You aren't going home?"


"Then where are you gonna stay?"

"Your place." Eun looked at Doyoung's eyes widen in shock, causing her to crack a small smile.

Doyoung quickly shook off the shock, nodding understandingly. "Yeah, for sure. We totally consulted about this before, yeah, sure. You can stay at my place, Chayoungie," he blabbered, playfully glaring at Eun as she giggled.

"We should go to my place and get my things before the others leave." Eun got off the sidewalk, dusting off her dress and taking off her heels as they were uncomfortable.

"Okay, we'll walk to your place and take a cab to mine. Alright?" Doyoung asked Eun.

Eun nodded, linking her arm with Doyoung's as they walked to her shared apartment with Hyunsuk. She took rushed steps as she didn't want Hyunsuk to be there when she leaves ... she couldn't face him after being a terrible friend. She leaned her hand on Doyoung's shoulder, sighing from time to time. He kept looking down to see if the younger was crying ... he didn't want any of those anymore.

"You want my shoes?" Doyoung offered, seeing the younger walk barefoot.

"No, this is fine. Thank you, though," Eun thanked, smiling gratefully when Doyoung took her heels and purse from her.

"Don't mention it."

"No, really," she insisted, holding Doyoung's arm tightly. "Thank you for everything, Doyoung. You are a really good friend, and I know I might not be the best, so thank you for sticking by, regardless."

"Well, you are welcome," Doyoung replied, smiling widely. "And thank you, Chayoungie."

Eun stopped walking, looking at the older. "Why?"

"Thank you for taking off your heels. It was messing with my self-confidence because you were taller than me."

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