Chapter 11

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"It's going to be okay. Why didn't you tell us hun?" You sighed and slid to the ground and sat down.

"My dad is looking for me and if Will or Nico find out I'm done for, dad is trying to find me and is trying to push godly influence on me I have to go-" She moved closer and crouched down at your eye level.

"I can't let you go not while I can do something about this, okay, we will figure this out I'll keep it as quiet ad I can from Will but eventually he will also find out." You nodded and accepted her hand to help you up, you leaned against her as you both made it back to the infirmary.

Wrapping an arm around your shoulder and if all things you could have done. You winced and she immediately noticed. She had touched your injured shoulder. You panicked and looked at her running and jumping through the trees shadow.

You heard her yell, "WREN NO!" and then you disappeared.

You tumbled out of the shadows letting yourself fall until you were completely still. Laying on the moist ground you felt yourself fading in and out of conciousness all you could do was whisper "I'm sorry."

Will POV
He spoke to Kayla outside of the infirmary and headed to the head counsellors meeting where they would be discussing the hades kid issue. After 2 hours of arguing they decided on a search party to find them, with Nico leading one party, Jason another and Percy the other. Each team would have an Apollo kid accompany them and since quests go in threes the other member would be one of the leaders choice. The teams were:

Lou Ellen



The meeting ended and he headed out to check back on the infirmary hoping Wren had picked up after you had seemed pretty out of it this morning.

On his stroll back to the infirmary he was ambushed by a very distraught Kayla. She ran over shouting his name tears streaking down her face.

"Kay, what happened? Take a deep breath and explain" he sat her down on the grass and sat next to her.

"W-Wren is gone, she shadow travelled away. S-shes in pain Will we need to find her!" He looked at her concerned.

"So Wren is missing and to shadow travel... She's the child of Hades!" Kayla nodded, "Nico!" He yelled across the pavilion stunning the poor boy who then came jogging over.

"What? What happened?" Nico asked.

"We have found your sister." He said taking Nico's hand.

"But I thought Kayla was a child of Apollo?" Nico asked confused.

"No not her, Kayla found your sister it was Wren all along!" He exclaimed.

"How did I not realise with such a large chance of death- we need to find her NOW!"

All three rushed back to the big house where they explained the situation to Chiron. The teams were assembled and were told the severity of the situation, then they all delved into the woods.

You laid finally awake for a slight time: your forehead was fevered and hot; you couldn't tell whether you were awake or dreaming; you couldn't feel your legs or your arms and you were certain that there were monsters nearby waiting for a demigod snack.

The fall from the shadows had left you winded and certain that it had split your stitched and jolted your shoulder. You could feel the blood seeping through your shirt but there was nothing you could do the deed had been done.

You heard a growl and the bush 100 metres away from you moved entirely on its own. They had found you, but there was nothing you could do. Your arms were in the shadows and your lower torso down was too. Closing your eyes out of fear you waited for them to come.

Will POV
They couldn't stop for anything the urgency was real and any fault could end up in the loss of another demigods life. They heard growling up ahead and what heard like a small whimper. Wren was close they forged ahead through the bushes only to see what appeared to be the minotaur's twisted cousin. It was smaller in stature and was less threatening but it wasn't any less moody. They spotted Wren on the ground a few metres away.

"Nico, you tackle mini minotaur there and Lou Ellen get the other teams here ASAP. I'll go take care of Wren" they nodded in agreement and then all took off for their assigned jobs.

You pried your eyes open hearing a thundering of footsteps headed in your direction like it was in slow motion. Then everything sped up again and someone in black was fighting a monster a girl was doing some sort of voodoo magic and someone with seriously blonde hair was crouched beside you. You could see his lips moving but couldn't hear a thing, his hands passed through your wrist and he seemed to curse. More people ran into view tackling the monster and now you had people on both sides frantically going through backpacks.

Then from out of the corner of your eye you saw a flash of green hair and your stomach dropped. You prayed Kayla was here she made you feel safe and you could feel your hips coming back from the shadows just from the thought of the way she made you feel.

"Come on Wren that's it," you looked over alarmed that you heard someone. It was none other than Will Solace, you felt guilty for running, for lying and for being akward when all they were trying to do was help you. You felt the guilt push you back down into the shadows and he gasped.

"Come on solidify for us Wren come on..."

"Y/n, y/n is my name" he looked at you shocked but nodded. You could feel your fingers coming back and you concentrated on the feeling. Your head slumped slightly to your side and you saw Kayla also trying for your wrist. You felt a surge and for a second your entire body was back. Kayla managed to grab your wrist and a board was slipped underneath you. Will touched your shoulder and you tried to pull away but the people around you held you in place. You whimpered in pain but the pain began to ease as you saw a new IV line which she used immediately to administer nectar to start healing.

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