Chapter 7

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You awoke to light streaming through the thin sun bleached yellow curtains. You noticed for the first time that there were pretty yellow flowers lining the cabin's window sills. Will was coming over after he must have seen you moving. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and tried to push away the memories that immediately pushed down on you. He came over with a tray and some clean clothes. It was a bright orange top that would match everyone else's and some black trousers. You went to change and  saw that the blood had dried but it was almost through the bandages so you couldn't allow anymore slip ups. You felt your ribs and on the left hand side it was all bruised purple and green. You didn't even dare to look at your shoulder the pain told you enough and the fat that it had gone through the bone.

You walked slowly back through to your room where Kayla was sat waiting with the tray that Will had brought in the first place. She patted the bed for you to sit back down and placed the tray on your lap.

"You need to eat so try as much as you can ok hun?" You just nodded but felt sick as soon as you saw the food. You eventually ate half an apple and managed to stomach part of a slice of toast. Kayla looked down at the tray and then looked at how uncomfortable you looked. She took away the tray and beckoned you yo follow her out to where everyone was discussing strategy and deciding on teams. The captains were the Zeus cabin and Poseidon cabin.

Zeus was paired with:

Poseidon was paired with:

So that meant that you were opposite to Kayla which made you kind of sad but you couldn't get attached. You were meant to be leaving after this. It was too dangerous for you to stay.

You stood with the Poseidon team and looked over to see the other team working into a formation. Everyone on your team was crowding around Annabeth who was showing a map and directing people to where they needed to go and what job they had to do. You were the last person and Annabeth had you with her and Percy trying to get the flag. Everyone had approximately half an hour to get ready until the conch horn sounds announcing the beginning of the games. You thought you saw Kayla as you ran through bushes and hurdling felled trees, but you couldn't tell. The last time you saw her she was in all camo and had even been persuaded to put on a hat to hide her bright hair.

You followed Annabeth's directions and climbed a young oak and perched at the top. You bent over catching your breath from your damaged ribs and wincing as your shoulder ached from using it without letting heal.

Annabeth looked over and mouthed 'are you ok?' You just nodded and looked away, feeling guilty for having her sympathy.

You were all sat waiting for the conch horn you were like coiled springs waiting to recoil or a cat waiting to pounce. You saw movement ahead and saw the opposite team getting ready you were going to mention it but then realised Annabeth had already seen it and decided what to do. Through the leaves you could see Jason, Piper and Nico all waiting for the horn. As soon as it sounded complete pandemonium erupted and soon there was clashes everywhere with mini battles. People were already scraped up and it was less than 5 minutes into the game.

Then your time came the coast was clear and Annabeth lept down shortly followed by Percy. Opting not to so you could prevent any further injuries so while being watched by Percy you dived onto the next tree which you then slid down and rolled onto the grass scraping your knees and elbows on the bark of the tree.

You were straight on your feet and following the pair deeper into the woods. Until you could see a girl sat next to a very well hidden flag with her eyes clenched in concentration. Beside her was Kayla who had a radio strapped to her waist and a bow slung over her shoulder. Annabeth created a distraction by tripping some of the girls traps they looked over and Kayla rang a bell. Within minutes most of the other team was charging to where Annabeth had to run for her life. You ran following Percy but he was way to fast on the way you tripped and to aid Percy you summoned a bone dog. You tried to get up but quickly fell from exhaustion, you shouldn't have used your powers. You could feel your feet begin to slide around in your shoes, meaning your toes had gone transparent. Dizziness washed over you and you found yourself in need of help, it was beginning to grow dark and you had no clue where you were. Percy had ran pretty far from where you had been prior and being new you didn't recognise your surroundings.

The conch horn surrounded and the forest went silent as you heard them quietly whoop with celebration. The game was over and you were lost in the middle of a forest with not enough energy to get back even if you knew the way.

Losing track of time you pulled your knees into your chest and leant back on the tree trunk behind you. You lost hope for being found as the woods went silent. You didn't even hear them begin to send out a search party around camp. You felt hot and cold at the same time but this was quite common when you continually would over extend your powers.

For once you thought about the people who had looked after you and prayed that they would find you...

Heyy PJO fans go check out my Tiktok @ cosplayer_charlotte I cosplay people like Piper, Reyna, Nico and Zoë. Check it out!

Love ya
- Newolympus X

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