Chapter 3

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The rustling in the undergrowth infront of you went silent and you skeptically climbed the closest tree scrolling over branches desperate to get as high as possible. Will and Nico stood exactly where you had been only for you to see the scarred scales of the basilisk in front of them. It was ready to pounce on them expecting it to be you in front of it.

You couldn't let anything hurt these demigods they had been friendly and accepting so you took it upon yourself to jump. Yes you jumped from 17 feet up in a tree.

You soared over Nico and Will who saw you crash down onto the bushes infront of them. Landing on the basilisk's neck you began to slice through the tough scales. You screamed as you strained to slice through the scales and Will burst through the bushes closely followed by Nico who immediately drew his sword. You gasped as you finally broke through the skin, and the basilisk howled in pain. You hacked at its neck and fell off when it stumbled sideways, landing with a thump Will came over to help you up.

"Don't touch me!" You shouted harsher than you intended. "Sorry I didn't mean it to be harsh" He nodded and you pushed yourself up from the dirt. Glad you hadn't landed on your shoulder and realising that you forgot to change your shirt. The stitches had broken earlier so you hoped that your bandages would hold up till you could buy some new. Your ribs just complained winding you again reminding you that they were either cracked or broken.

Nico had taken off the Basilisk's leg which had caused it to stumble and that's why you had fallen off. Running forward using the adrenaline to overpower the exhaustion you slashed at its neck taking it clean off and then realised that this time that you had snapped the pin you had subconsciously chosen imperial gold. Imperial gold was the chosen metal of Roman demigods and to slay the basilisk...  ...the basilisk was Roman which is why it was easier to kill this time.

You stepped over the golden dusk from where the basilisk had been and waved, "see ya around..." you turned only to walk straight into Jason and Piper.

"You don't have to leave you know you can stay here it is sage for demigods." He glanced down and saw your imperial gold sword slowly reforming into a hair clip. "Are you a Roman demigod?" You shrugged you didn't know which form your father was you just knew that he was lord of the underworld and had always been called Hades. So you probably were greek but honestly where was the confirmation.

"We need to talk to you about something important" his sincerity made you shudder. You felt cold but could feel the warmth on your stomach from the blood that was starting to fill the bandages.

"What do you need me for I need to go..." you replied curtly not meeting anyone's gaze.

Nico decided to speak up, "your death aura is very large. Your chance of death hasn't decreased at all since you were here." You looked up at him and saw his aura of death which was really small but you could tell that a previous shadow travel weighed upon him.

He was a hades kid too, you knew hin from somewhere when you realised where from you regretted ever wondering where you knew him from.

"I know." You mumbled, they looked up as if to ask you to repeat, "n-nothing" you looked down at your black vans.

"Would you like to tell us why your death aura is so large?" Piper queried you shook your head, "look hun it wasn't a yes or no question."

You looked up really not wanting to answer at all, you wrapped your arm around the tree and felt that there were shadows waiting for you to jump straight into. You let go knowing that if you did jump you wouldn't survive it.

"I have over extended my powers too much any more use will kill me. There are you happy now? I'm leaving and you can't stop me!" You ended the conversation and pushed past Piper ready to run or summon something to protect yourself. A bone pocked up underneath your shoe and you looked down and stomped down on it before they could see it.

"Nuh uh you're not going anywhere with that aura on top of you. I'm not having that on my concious" Will put it bluntly. You turned around to see all of them slowly edging closer. "Everyone go away for a minute so I can speak to Wren," he cut off Jason who just shrugged and backed off with Piper. Nico raised his hand.

"Yes Death Boy what is it?" He asked.

"I have a doctors note," Nico said simply causing Will to roll his eyes.

"Fine you can stay," Will sighed.

"What do you want? I'm needed elsewhere..." you glared at the pair, Nico scowled and Will just tossed over a gold drachma.

"Tell the person you are needed by that you are staying at Camp Half-Blood for a minimum of 3 days to rest up from over use of powers. I don't care if it is a God or a Prophecy you need rest or you'll burn out." Will left no room for discussion but looked at Nico who just blushed and looked down.

"Fine, what do I have to do?" You sighed, Will looked relieved.

"You're stubborn like someone I know but all you have to do it have 3 days rest in the infirmary and prove by the end of 3 days that you don't need to stay in for longer. I don't know much about Nemesis powers but I could look into it." Will beckoned you to follow him back down the hill. Nico looked at you suspicious, and for a moment you thought he knew...

Any ideas
Love ya

- Newolympus X

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