Chapter 13

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Will POV
He cleaned up after the emergency with y/n, it had frightened them all with how quickly it happened and how quickly you had deteriorated. But everything was adding together in his head, the reason why you didn't want to be touched by Apollo kids and the reluctance to share your real name. It all made sense now. Which was reassuring but also worrying because if they hadn't found out by now you would have had very deep infections in your wounds and probably sepsis. 

He finished the cleaning and went to do his rounds, picking up his stethoscope and clipboard he walked around the beds checking peoples conditions and making notes. There wasn't really anyone else in for anything serious other than you, the only other person was someone who had gotten food poisoning from their home and gotten sick the evening that they arrived. It was an easy fix but they were here to be monitored to make sure they ate sufficiently and kept up enough fluids. 

Making it round to you he pulled his stethoscope from around his neck and went about getting your vitals, he needed to keep checking because if something was to suddenly drop he needed to be on it straight away. You were in a critical state right now and as you were doing quite well he wanted to ensure that it stayed that way. They all came back normal, letting him breathe a sigh of relief you were still stable. He pulled up the cover over you gently lifting your arms being careful of your IV's and shoulder. After he sat himself on the seat next to your bed to keep observing your state of being, slowly letting himself relax in the peace and quiet.

(time skip to early morning around 5 am)

He looked out the window happily as the sun chariot lifted the morning light into the sky, he was enjoying some of the warm rays on his face until he heard a rustle from beside him. It was followed very shortly after by a pained whine and his mind snapped into gear checking over you, you were stirring and he wasn't sure what was best for you right now. What he did know was that you should be on bed rest. 

"Hey Kay wakey wakey y/n is coming to. Hey y/n can you hear me?" He asked softly as he got some pain relievers from the cupboard beside Kayla's bed, she groaned getting up and going over to you rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. He returned just as you shifted a bit more, "could you hold her arm while I administer some of this?" He asked Kayla who nodded and gently held your arm still, he wasn't going to give you a lot as it would make you drowsy and he wanted to hear from you what levels your pain was at. But as of now you were unresponsive and only just becoming conscious since the day before when they had to sedate you so then they could heal you without issue.

Your head was spinning before you had even opened your eyes, but your body felt almost lighter which was odd. It only felt like that when there was less darkness in your bones, someone must have expelled some. As you came to the conclusion, yesterday hit you like a tonne of bricks. The shadow travelling, the mini Minotaur, the group finding you and then there was nothing, just little snippets of things that you couldn't tell were either dreams or real life. 

You shifted slightly as your consciousness returned more and more, pain erupted from your shoulder, it was like a red hot iron against your skin. A whine in pain escaped your lips before you could stop it from leaving and you stopped hoping for it to leave. It throbbed and you forced yourself to relax and not squirm at the feeling, your senses seemed to clear up and you could smell the distinct antibacterial smell of the infirmary which was now instantly recognised. Next you heard feet moving closer to you so you started to open your eyes wincing at the light that was streaming through the window as per usual.

Stood beside you was blond- Will, you corrected yourself and Kayla, who seemed to be sorting your IV which you now seemed to have double of. There was one in both of your hands but only one was liked to a fluid back behind your head which you strained to see. You winced as the tendon of your neck pulled down your shoulder, and in response your attention was brought back around.

"Hey y/n how are you feeling?" You turned to find the source of the voice, it was Kayla talking and you just sort of nodded getting used to being awake, whilst still being groggy from sleep. She smiled at your response and took your hand gently as Will finished what he was doing. 
"Will is just sorting you something for the pain, your shoulder wound was deep and we had to clean both sides, we are just worried that it may get infected." You nodded again letting your arms lay limply, you were simply to tired to be bothered to move them and you also didn't want to be in more pain because you were moving. You felt a cold liquid in your arm as Will administered something and it felt odd causing you to try and pull from Kayla's grip on your forearm.

"Sorry hun no can do, you gotta keep still, Will is giving you something for the pain it'll make you a little drowsy but you are on bed rest now anyway" Kayla told you sweetly. You scowled at the mention of bed rest it always seemed pointless and boring- and you had already done some bed rest. Granted you had lied- run away and evaded that care you had done some bed rest. But if Kayla was going to be here you didn't really mind, she made you feel safe and almost like this was home. Almost...

(1016 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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