23 - Torture

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I hope some people still read this and comment and stuff ://


Lily's P.O.V.

It's been a couple of minutes since Jai has left already and he completely refused to tell me why Luke had his phone, weird. Since I was feeling a bit more stable, I decided to keep my promise to Luke and go to the institution.

It's been a few days since I've been to work. I always called in sick, which wasn't really the case of course. As I grabbed my uniform, I stuffed it into my bag and head out to my motorcycle.

The drive there was peaceful, and I wasn't on my nerves at all with the wind blowing through my hair. No more footsteps heard, no more strange things being seen on the sidewalk.


Walking through the very familiar, smelly and cold hallways of the top floor of the institution, I hoped that an arm won't grab me that one time when I was walking with Daniel. Thinking of that, where the heck was Daniel?

Shrugging off the thought as I pushed the key into Luke's cell, I slowly turned the key before opening the cell door with a loud creak as it pushed against the floor.

Luke's eyes shot open immediately from his sleep and he grinned, "I missed you." I laughed. "It's only been half an hour."

"But still." Luke stood up quickly, making me flinch a little. He quickly took both of my hands in his own. "I will always miss you no matter what. Even just a minute without seeing your face worries me sickly!" he looked deeply and desperately into my eyes.

"Come to counseling." I smiled softly, keeping in mind he killed my best friend, but I had to smile, for him. "No, you think I'm crazy. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, that's why I do counseling isn't it?" Luke pulled his hands out of mine.

"You're not crazy, you're just lost. The more you do counseling, the quicker you get out of here." I lied, knowing he won't ever be able to leave with the crimes he committed. "Please, for me?" I begged quietly.

His head shot up and he immediately nodded. "Anything for you."


"Okay first thing." I folded my hands on my desk as Luke sat across me. "Give me Jai's phone." I held my hand out for Luke to give it to me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Luke laughed, being a horrible liar. "Luke, for me?" I raised my eyebrows and Luke sighed, plopping Jai's phone into my open hand.

"How did you get this?" I asked as Jai didn't want to tell me before. "I don't know." Luke shrugged his eyebrows. "Luke.." I sighed, folding my arms as I leant back on my chair. "Okay fine. I leant in to whisper him something and he fucking kissed me." Luke grimaced.

"Anyway, whispering him something was meant to distract him enough to get his phone but I guess kissing worked too." Luke shrugged his eyebrows with a pout across his lips. "I think you're lying." I sighed, knowing Jai would never kiss Luke.

"Luke just tell the truth, I know you were just trying to distract him." I laughed. "Okay fine, I kissed him for God's sake!" Luke grimaced, with a disgusted look on his face.

"I was actually pretty good at leading him on though!" he laughed, running his fingers through his somewhat messy hair. "I'm sure." I laughed as well, knowing that it wasn't true at all. Why was Luke being so happy and laughy?

"Okay now let's get to the real talk." I looked seriously into Luke's eyes making him nod in understanding.


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