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Luna's POV (I know, weird, but I felt like since she had a super small part she would be perfect for this)

Ladies and Gentlemen, our valedictorian, Alexander Hamilton!

Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 2020...

Here's the part where he gives his big speech.

We're so proud, but Alex's not one to preach, so he said we could play where are they now.

Here we go.

Madison, Burr, and Hamilton practice family law.

Peggy and Angelica are trying for the Peace Cor.

Jefferson quit as he makes more doing shampoo commercials anyhow.

Eliza applied to Med school and got in of course.

And John got hired as a marine biologist.

Laf moved to france and opened up a bakery.

Herc went with him and runs a small tailoring business.

Mariah married Peggy and launched her latest album.

And me?

I think I'll find my way.

And hey, I married Eliza.

And now we have two kids and one more on the way

I'm a therapist.

I feature therapeutic painting.

Here take a couple of cards, oops sorry back to Alex.

I thank you one and all.

The ones who thought I would fall.

Who taught me how to fail.

Who helped me to prevail.

I'm standing here today.

You helped me find my way.

~if you get the reference i freaking love you~

Alex POV

"John, I'm home!" I called to my husband. "Ok sweetie, I'm making dinner!" I heard him say as Phillip came barreling towards me, his curly hair bouncing. He squealed as I scooped him up and spun him around, peppering his face with kisses. "Papa!" he exclaimed, giggling as he tried to wipe off his face. I booped his nose and gently perched the 5 year old on my hip. I walked into the kitchen and gave John a quick kiss before letting him return to whatever he was cooking. "How was work?" John asked, turning around to grab a spoon. "Pretty good! How about you?" I answered as Philip crawled onto my lap and perched himself on the edge of the table. "It was great, we got a new turtle!" John said, excitedly. I watched as his eyes lit up as he described the new turtle and couldn't help but smile. I don't know how I ever got this lucky, I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful little boy, a steady job, and amazing friends. "Daddy? Papa?" Phillip asked, interrupting my thoughts. We both looked at him as he played with my hair. "How did you meet?" He asked, his eyes filled with curiosity. "It's a long story Pip." John whispered as he walked around the counter. He wrapped his arms around my waist and planted a short kiss on my head, before resting his chin on top of it. 

"It's a long story."

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