Chapter 16

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John POV
"Ok! Eliza, Truth or Dare?" Angelica says excitedly as we all sit down in a circle.
"Do you like anyone? As your sister, I think I deserve the right to know!" Angelica states. Eliza goes bright red and nervously begins playing with the hem of her skirt. "Agelicaaaa!" Eliza whines. "Elizaaaaa!" Angelica mocks, stubbornly. "And Peggy!" Pegggy yells interrupting the staring contest that Eliza and Angelica are currently having. "Fineeeee! Her name is Luna, she's in my psychology class, she likes painting, playing soccer, and compulsively dying her hair." Eliza says dejectedly. "MoViNg On!" She shrieks , interrupting our shrill screams. "My turn, ummmm John! Truth or dare?"
"Dare." I respond, smiling at her. Eliza isn't one to ever do a very risky dare. I see peggy lean over and whisper something in her ear. Eliza grins evilly and I feel my stomach sink a bit. If she's doing Peggy's dare, I know that off the bat, it's gonna be bad. "John, I dare you tooooooooooooooo... DRUMROLL PLEASE!" She says dramatically as Peggy ferousiously banges her hands on the ground. "Kiss Alex!" I turn to my left to where Alex is sitting, with a small smirk on my face. I pull him into a quick kiss which is met by various screams and applause. "Meh, nothing I haven't done before." I say casually. Alex and I crack into huge grins at their shocked faces. Jefferson is the first one to break the silence. "My god..." he says in awe. Peggy's face suddenly lights up as the fact that we're dating processes in her head. Within thirty seconds, she has started a kickline with Laf, Herc, and her sisters, chanting "OTP, OTP,  OTP, OTP!"  I roll my eyes at them and wrap my hand around Alex's waist as he rests his head on my shoulder. I smack Laf in the arm as he tries to take a photo of us and wait for them to settle down. "Alright," I say once they're seated. "James, truth or dare?"
"Truth." Innocent bean. "Ok, what's up with you and Jefferson?"
"Jeffershit" Alex corrects under his breath. I giggle and lightly kiss his forehead. "Well, Tommy and I have been dating for about a year, but we got into a big fight about how Tommy was afraid to go public and then, well you guys we're there..." James trails off, slightly red. After a quick chorus of "Awwwww", Eliza giggles a bit. "Does anyone else have any relationships we need to know about? It seems like that's what tonight is all about!" She jokes. "Actually...yes" Laf, Herc, Angelica, Peggy, Aaron, and Theodosia say in unison. Eliza breaks into a huge grin and turns to Laf and herc. "Yay! You guys first!" The couple look at each other with identical grins on their faces. "We're engaged!!!!" the yell at the same time. The room breaks out into utter chaos, Peggy is tackling Laf and Herc, Angelica and Eliza are screaming incomprehensible things at Theodosia and Aaron who look slightly terrified, Alex has me in a bone crushing hug and we are both screaming, and James and Thomas look rather confused but happy nonetheless. "Well, that's gonna be pretty hard to beat! Angie, go!" she says laughing. "I definitely can't top that but John Church and I drifted apart. It's all cool though, because I met this new guy named Thomas Paine and we have a date next weekend!" Angelica says excitedly. Peggy hugs her and Eliza says "I'm happy you found someone good!" which is met by all of us nodding and congratulating her. "Aaron, Theodosia, you're next!" Eliza says, detaching herself from her sister. They grin at each other and Theodosia nods at Aaron. "Well, if this was a contest, I think that we might be able to beat Laf and Herc...." Aaron says slowly. "We eloped!" Theo squeals holding up her hand to reveal a beautiful ring. "But we're not going to move away until we finish college!". Chaos breaks free and once again, the room is filled with cheers. "Ok, ok people!" Eliza laughs "Calm downnnnn! Peggy, your turn!"Peggy slowly stands up and cracks her knuckles. It's intimidating to see her so calm.  "GUESS WHO KISSED MARIAH LEWIS AND HAS A DATE WITH HER LATER THIS WEEK!!!???" She yells, surprising everyone. Once again..chaos!
We spent the rest of the night, laughing, drinking, doing ridiculous dares, and screaming about nothing in particular.  By 3am, everyone has passed out except Alex and I. The sisters are sprawled on top of each other on Angelica's bed, Herc and Laf are asleep on her giant beanbag, Aaron and Theodosia are curled up together in her window seat, Jefferson and Madison are on a huge pile of pillows, Alex and I are cuddling on the sofa, both pretty tipsy. "I "I love you" Alex mumbles, nuzzling his head into my neck. "I'm gonna marry you someday." I mumble back, kissing him gently. "Don't make promises you can't keep baby." he mutters.
"Ok, I'll promise you on one condition..."
"What condition?"
"That you say yes."
"Deal." he giggles, kissing my cheek.
"I love you." I whisper. I look down and see Alex snoring softly on my shoulder. I smile and rest my head on his as I slowly drift off to sleep.

Help I'm going through and getting rid of my dead name and I really had no idea what eloped meant

915 words

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