Merlin x King

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Author: This was requested by boopledoot

King: Hell no

Merlin: The very thought of being with him makes me want to hurl my lunch

King: Ouch

Diane: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, skip!!

Escanor: I agree with Diane. Skip!!!

Elizabeth: Ship

Meliodas: They would make a good couple. Skip

Ban: Let's put them on a boat. Ship

Gowther: Ship

Hawk: I just want to eat. Ship

Author: And what does dear ol' Zeldris think of this

Zeldris: Its stupid and I couldn't care less about it

Author: And do you ship or skip?

Zeldris: ...Ship

Author: That's 5 votes for Skip and 5 votes for ship. 50/50

King: W-What are the odds...?

Author: I just told you-

Merlin: Whether or not the odds are in the shipping favor, it will not work out

Diane: Merlin wouldn't steal King from me like that

Merlin: That is correct

Zeldris: This is pointless, why am I here?

Author: I ask myself that very same question. Everyday. Right when I wake up.

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