Jericho x Elaine

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Imp: This was requested by @Lona_liz Thanks for the request!

Diane: This would be adorable!! I would totally ship this

Ban: This isn't all that terrible, just switch the Jer to a B, the I to an A, and the Cho to a N. There, now it's perfect.

King: You just replaced Jericho's name with yours

Ban: and that's why its perfect

King: I kinda like this ship better than you and her

Ban: That's a good joke

King: Wha- No I'm serio-

Meliodas: This would be a cute ship, girl on girl action

Merlin: I don't think that's what the question was Captain

Meliodas: I know

Elizabeth: This is an... Interesting ship, but I'll have to skip

Escanor (In his day form): This ship is mediocre. There is only one ship that stands at the top and that is-

Hawk: We already passed your ship, but where is a ship with me in it?!

Imp: No one really ships a pig with anything, maybe Cath

Hawk: The cat?! I'd rather be single

Merlin: I ship it. What about you Gowther?

Gowther: I.. I have no memory of this Elaine, therefore I cannot make a solid judgement

Imp: I adore this ship, it's not my OTP but I wouldn't mind it happening

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