Gowther x Ban

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Author: This was requested by farewell071220

Ban: You guys are shipping me with a doll...?

Gowther: A doll with feelings

Ban: I need a drink

Gowther: On account of Ban being mean, I'll have to skip

King: Aren't you guys partners?

Ban: Maybe when *burps* when we're shipping some other people together

King: You guys are even in agreement when you're being shipped. I just have to ship

Ban: I hate you

Diane: They do have some good chemistry. Although, Ban is a little weirded out by Gowther. Skip

Meliodas: Now, now, now, all of you need to compose yourselves. Also I ship

Merlin: Skip. Such genius that is Gowther shouldn't be with the drunk that is Ban

Ban: I'm a genius! I became immortal!

King: Uh, yeah, after the fairy kingdom burned from a demon

Ban: Well at least I was there to nurse it back to health

King: I'm not arguing with drunk Ban

Elizabeth: Skip

Hawk: Ship

Escanor: Skip

Zeldris: Skip

Seven Deadly Sins react to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now