Merlin x Meliodas

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Author: this was requested by Lady_Merlin_

Merlin: ...

Merlin: Well this is silly, skip, obviously

Meliodas: I think we should reopen the Boar Hat

Ban: That was off topic cap't

Meliodas: I just think that some ships aren't meant to be reviewed

Ban: wait, don't you have a crush on him?

Diane: Ban! You don't just say things like that

Merlin: I did, but that was a long time ago. A very long time ago

Ban: You guys are really old

Meliodas: Could be older

King: You guys don't even keep track of your ages?

Gowther: To be fair, fairies don't really either

King: Well, I do. I like knowing that I'm still young

Gowther: We know

Merlin: While this chatter is amusing, we should finish this up

Ban: Puh-shee. Ship

King: Skip

Diane: Skip

Zeldris: Oh so Meliodas can be shipped with people he likes but I can't?

Zeldris: Skip

Escanor: I have come across a stalemate and I won't be inclined to answer at this time

Escanor: But if it makes Lady Merlin happy, than I'll gladly ship!

Hawk: What hub-bub is this? Skip, why would Merlin want to be with someone as grabby as Meliodas anyway?

Gowther: Ship

Elizabeth: Skip

Diane: What about you, captain?

Meliodas: I'll have to skip

Merlin: There, now we can move on to more interesting ships

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