Chapter:24 pick up

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Michelle's POV

I woke up in the same bed and room and saw Jack signing some papers to discharge me from the hospital. As he notices I woke up.

J: Good Morning baby how was surgery?

M:perfect I feel a lot better but ugh I'm going to be on crutches again I pouted.

J:but baby your still perfect on those crutches and it's cute when you always hit me in the butt with them.

M:tru that's the only part I like about them though.

N:so are you guys ready to leave?

M:yep as I stand up with crutches next to my bed.

J:let's go as he hands the nurse the papers.

We all walked out to Nate's car and Nate dropped me and Jack home and left.
As we walk into my house my mom came looking at me worried

Mom: omg Michelle what happened honey are you ok?

M:yea mom I'm fine I tore my ham string no biggie

Mom:oh honey this is your 5 time on these crutches.

M:yea Ik this will be the last.

Mom:it better be and she chuckles. Oh and hey Jack!

J:hi mrs.ray

M:so mom me and Jack will be upstairs.

Mom:ok sweetie as she turns to the kitchen.

As Jack picked me up the stairs to my room he laid me on the bed as he crawled next to me as I put my head on his chest we starting thinking about things

M:Jack baby?

J:yes princess?

M:where do you think we will be in 10 years?

J:I think we will be in Cali with 1 kid and living the dream of a family.

M:awe what would we name our kid?

J:idk maybe nathan

M:I like that but you know when the time comes.

J:yea Ik your mom would kill me is if you got pregent now.

M:hehe maybe not she loves kids.


M:yea I was the youngest out of my 3 other siblings so I'm the baby😌🙈

J:yea your my baby!

M: one day I want to be the girl that walks down the isle to you and gets married to you.

J: yea one day. But can I ask you something?

M:yes my prince?

J:well since I answered your question of why I picked you can you answer why you said yes to me?

M:well Jack ever since I saw you in that office I knew I fell inlove, and when you asked me about my classes if I needed help I knew I had to say yes. Because if I didn't I was scared I would never get to see or talk to you again. I love the way you would always grab my waist at my locker and the way my head fits perfectly under your chin. And here I am with you cuddling In bed I'm happy with the life I have.

J: awe baby that was beautiful just like you.

M: omg Jack I just noticed we skipped school.

J: well that's alright because you were in the hospital. And I was so worried about you.if you died I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much to lose you Michelle.

M:awe Jack I never want to lose you eaither.

J:so yea and guess what it's good news!

M:what jack?

J: well remember all those vines me and Jack and sam did

M: yea why

J: me and Jack and sam are going to be in This thing called Magcon and its after winter formal.

M:but baby you will be away from me!

J:no I'm taking you with me.

M:won't I be the only girl there.

J:well there's another girl named mahogany you can be with her.

M:fine baby but I'm doing this for you. But what about all the girls when they see me they will hate me.

J:that just means they aren't true fans.and if they were they would respect me and you.

M: awe Jack as I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

J:Michelle I better go but see you later.

M:k bye Jack

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