4^ Hank - One Year Anniversary

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     At the sound of my husband's voice, I perk up, looking up from my book to see him prance into the room in nothing but an oversized T-shirt and underwear. I sigh softly, smiling at how silly he is. "Yes, Connie?"
     He walks over to me. I can't help but watch his slender legs move as he crosses the room and straddles me. "You know what today is?" he asks with a huge grin on his face.
"Umm... Saturday?" I say, confusion washing over me. Connor could be so scatter-brained, sometimes. I don't really think I understand what he's talking about, half the time.
"Yes, but I'm looking for something more specific." He bites his lip excitedly, playing with my hair as he waits for me to answer.
"I... don't know?"
He huffs, pouting. "It's our one year anniversary."
I choke on my own spit, immediately remembering the date and hating myself for not remembering it when I should've remembered it. "I am so sorry, Connor!" I cry, tearing up. "Dammit! I-I didn't get you anything! I just completely forgot!" Tears roll down my face, and I quickly swipe at them. Fuck, I'm so stupid. Connor is literally my life. I literally married him, because I can't live without him. And. I can't even remember our anniversary. Fuck me.
     Connor takes my face is his, wiping away my tears with his delicate thumbs. "It's ok, Hank. Really, it is," he soothes, keeping that same smile on his face.
"Y-You're... not mad..?" I ask, sniffling.
"Of course, not, Hank!" he laughs lightly. "Hank..." he begins. The smile falls away from his face. "I didn't marry you because I wanted things, or gifts, or any of that. I married you, because I want you. I don't need anniversary gifts to be happy, Hank. You're the perfect anniversary gift for me." He kisses my cheek. "Now, wipe away those tears so I can pamper my King."
     I can't help but crack a smile at him. I love it when Connor calls me stupid names like that. "Connor... I don't understand why you want me, though. I mean... I'm just... old. And, you're pretty and young, Connor. You don't need me," I insist, feeling bad for myself.
     Connor purses his thin lips and gets off of me. For a second, I think that he's angry at me, but he grabs my hand and pulls me up with that damned Android strength of his. "First off, I do not care how old you are, Hank. You are still pretty and everything to me." He pushes me into the bathroom. "Now, take your clothes off so I can admire your beautiful body while I wash you and pamper you."
     Connor leaves the bathroom, and I start taking my clothes off, carefully folding them and placing them on the floor. As I pull my boxers off, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I stare at myself, not quite liking what I see. I still don't understand what Connor sees when he looks at me.
     "Ok, Hank, I-" He stops in the doorway with an armful of... stuff. "Hank."
     The note of annoyance in his voice makes me turn to him.
     He sets his armful down on the toilet. "You are so pretty." He presses himself against me, rubbing his hand on my hairy stomach. "And, I love you." He pulls away, walking over to the bathtub and turning the water on. He lets it wash over his hand, adjusting the temperature before nodding and moving away, flicking his hand to get rid of the water drops.
     I sigh heavily.
     He stares at me, looking slightly sad. "What's wrong?"
     I look into the mirror, again. "I... don't get it."
     Connor comes up behind me, placing his hands on my sides. "I don't think you'll ever understand." He kisses my cheek, staring up at me with pure adoration. "I didn't fall in love with this body, Hank. At least, not at first. I fell in love with your sense of humor, your wisdom, and the way you always make me feel better when I'm stressed. Then, I fell in love with your body. I fell in love with all of this." He kisses my shoulder, trailing kisses down my arm before taking my hand. "So, even when you aren't in love with your own body, just know that I am, and I always will be."
     I can't keep the smile off of my face. Connor always does this weird thing where he chooses just the right words and arranges them in such a way that makes me feel so good. "I love you, Connie."
     "I love you, too, my King," he replies, kissing me. When he pulls away, his eyes are soft and full of adoration. "Time to get in the bath."
     He leads me into the bath, holding my hand as I step inside and sit down, settling myself in the warm water. Without a word, he slips off my sterling silver ring and places it on the counter along with his. I watch as he takes his clothes off and shuts the door, moving back to the bundle of stuff he had.
     He sets a bowl of grapes down on the side of the tub. I stare at it before looking back at him and watching him place a few towels on the floor. He picks up a bottle and opens it, pouring it inside of the tub. "Bubble bath," he explains. "I figured you'd like it."
     "You know me so well," I murmur, smiling at him. Bubble baths are my favorite thing ever. Besides Connor, of course. He comes first, always.
     "Of course. You tend to know a lot about someone, especially when you've been married to them for a year." He stirs his hand around in the water, causing bubbles to form.
     "I-I love you. Really, I do. I adore you so much, Con," I say, suddenly desperate.
     He smiles at me. "I know. I love you just as much, Hank." He picks a grape from the bowl and presents it to me. I open my mouth, and he puts it inside, feeding me like a baby. But, I don't mind. He feeds me another grape, smiling at me like I'm the sun. "So pretty," he murmurs, feeding me yet another grape. "So, so pretty."
     I blush lightly, glancing down.
     Connor takes my face and makes me look at him. "Don't be embarrassed, my love. I want to show you off, make you feel good. Because, you're mine. You're mine, and I want everyone to know that." He slips inside of the tub, sighing contentedly as he sits in my lap.
     I hold him close to me, placing kisses along his neck. He giggles and squirms, pushing my face away. "Hank! Th-That tickles!" he laughs.
     "That's just another reason for me to do it," I laugh in my gruff voice. "I can't help but want to kiss you. Your skin is so soft and beautiful."
     "Your skin is rough. But, that's a good thing. It tells me that it's seen a lot. It tells me that it's been places and gotten out alive. It's... inspiring." He nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck.
     "I'm glad you think that. I'm glad I have that effect on you."
     Connor lazily reaches over and grabs another grape, feeding it to me just as lazily. And so, we sit there, him feeding me grapes and occasionally murmuring words of praise about my body.
     "I love your tummy so much. I love hugging it."
     "Your face is so beautiful. Your features are so pleasing to look at."
     "Your thighs are so thick, like tree trunks. I love that, because I can hug them and feel safe."
     "I really, really, love your body, Hank. I like looking at it and knowing that it's mine."
     "I love it when you're all dressed up. I love making you look pretty."
     "When we sleep, I sometimes like to rub your belly in the middle of the night. It makes me feel so safe, especially when I have nightmares."
     "You're so soft and squishy compared to me. I'm all rough and sharp, all sharp edges. I'm not as soft as you. I wish I was."
I hug him closer. "I still love your body, Connor."
"I know." He smiles. The water is cold, at this point, and he moves away from me. "Time to get out, Hank," he murmurs, pulling me up. I let him dry me off with a towel as he roughly pulls it around my body. He wraps it around my waist and pats me on the back. "Wait for me in the bedroom."
As I walk into the bedroom and shut the door, I know for a fact that I'm about to get railed. Either that, or whatever else Connor wants to do.
In a few minutes, Connor walks into the room with a towel around his waist. He lets it drop down as he pulls away my towel and throws it on the floor. I lay down as he crawls over me, placing soft kisses along my stomach. He moans lightly. "So good..."
I whine softly, twitching under his touch.
"Are you going to be a good boy for me?" he asks, smirking up at me.
"Y-Yes, Connor," I whimper, swallowing.
"Good. Now..." he slides down so he's snug in between my legs. "Your cock is so thick," he moans. His voice is no longer warm and loving, like it was in the bath. Now, it's whiny and desperate, almost breathy as he praises the best part about me. My dick is probably the only thing I actually love about myself. I may not be pretty or young, but I have a big dick.
He prods my tip with his warm tongue, moaning unnecessarily loud as he sucks on the tip. "Hank~!" he whines loudly, making me sit up. "Oh, god, Hank, I can't take it, anymore! Every time I look at your cock, I just want to touch it, and lick it, and suck it!" he cries. "It drives me so crazy!"
"Then do it," I say, running my hand through his hair. "Go ahead and do what you want, baby. I don't mind. Whatever you want, it's yours."
He hums happily as he takes my whole cock in his mouth. Connor's sucked me off so many times, he can easily take it. He doesn't gag or choke, like he used to. "Remember our first time?" he asks, worshipping my hard length as he presses it to his face and kisses it.
"Of course, I remember it. You were so scared. I remember, you wouldn't let me inside because you thought I was gonna break you. Eventually, you did. And... it was good. It was really good," I reminisce, smiling down at Connor.
He nods. "You were so hard and thick, Hank, I couldn't help but be scared. I didn't think I could stretch that wide. And, it was my first time. I was inexperienced, then. I didn't know better. But, now?" He smirks up at me. "I'm not that inexperienced, scared Android, anymore. I know your body, and I know your limits. I know what you like, what you don't like, and just what to do to make you feel good."
"I'm... glad," I say, not even knowing what else to say. I lean down and kiss him softly. It's not our first kiss, but it stills feels like the first.
"We will never have those firsts, ever again." Connor looks up at me. "But, we can always have this time. The third, the fourth, the hundredth. Every time, I will cherish and love you as if it were the first. No matter how many times we do this, I will always be happy and excited to have your cock in my mouth. I will never get tired of your body, Hank. I may have explored every inch of it, I may know it by heart, but, now that I know it, I'll be sure to pamper it and treat it well. Even though there's nothing else to explore, I'll still cherish what I've discovered."
"Connooooorrrrrr," I whine, covering my flushed face. God, I love it when he rants about stuff like that. He's so poetic and romantic, so much more so than me.
"I'm sorry, Hank. You know, I have to speak my mind." His hands are all over my cock, rubbing, prodding, squeezing. And, I can't help but whine and squirm under his touch. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to die with you. Maybe, I can't exactly grow old with you, but I can stay with you."
"Connor," I hum, cumming into his hands. He immediately licks it off, cleaning away the cum as soon as it came out of me.
"Good boy," he murmurs.
"Connor, what're you gonna do when I die? I mean, I don't have much time left!" I cry out, tears pricking my eyes. I don't even know why I felt like I had to bring that up. We've talked about it.
"Hank, we've talked about this," Connor begins. "We're going to live forever. Elijah made a new body for you, remember? He said you can transfer over to it whenever you're ready. Please, don't worry about dying, Hank." He closes his eyes and sighs softly before snapping them open. I flinch at the intensity. "I will never let you die."
I pull him up into my arms, hugging him tight. "How will I know when I'm ready?" I whisper.
"You'll know, Hank. It'll be an instinct. You'll know when the time comes."

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